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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.30453226 [View]
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Twitch :
- Better site for streaming overall
>clip on the go, integrated to the channel
>better subscription, able to gift subscription
>integrated chat tools like polls
>lot of modules/addons integration that allow interaction with games
>great sorting of vods, higlights, clips
>emotes don't crash the whole page
>hosting, raids (if used well)
>better moderation tools
>actually have a programm that do events like twitch anime marathon
>recent ad update is unbearable
>recent DMCA music system is really annoying
>rules don't apply to you if you're an ethot
>no quality option for very small channels, source quality is forced
>has been around long enough for communities to form over multiple popular channels that get identified as "twitch culture" or "twitch zoomers" and don't follow any containement rule

Youtube :
>website is overall smoother to use
>still the most popular website and following the ergonomy people are used to
>better use with mobile devices etc.
>you can block ads
>recommandations can be nice

>chat is garbage as a tool
>community isn't really a thing, chat is mostly a random bunch of normies and surface level memes
>even more random bans and restrictions than twitch

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