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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.43821275 [View]
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TL;DR Bother with re-encoding shit when you have master files - or something closer to them in nature than a stream rip - to start out with.

The less short version is "GIGO" - Garbage In, Garbage Out. If your "source" is a 4-8 Mbps H.264/AVC stream unless something has changed dramatically in how 2D JAV is delivered then that is already fairly heavily compressed.

Honestly? Unless they're titles that you're downloading as raw BDMV/ISO or an actual remux or something, don't bother. Really, don't. You can get files that look better than the typical stream rip and end up slightly smaller IF you start with a source that's actually higher quality - like the aforementioned Blu-Rays. Is even that worth it? Usually not. I've done it once or twice though, but it was more-so an exercise in dealing with interlaced material..

Assuming you've got a $200 external hard drive - whatever size that may be in your local market, but let's assume hard drives are fucking expensive and it's only 8 TB - storage is still cheaper than electricity. You're not going to manage to save anything wasting all that energy and time while making your videos look worse, and you will certainly spend more than the cost of a 2nd drive in electricity crunching through all of that video.

You'd be better off trimming the shit you fast forward past every single time. You know exactly what I mean. I've had 2 hour titles end up 20 minutes long after keeping what I actually wanted from them, kek. And before you ask, there's more than one way to skin a cat. You can use avidemux. "LosslessCut" is good as well, it's just a pretty, user friendly interface for doing the same shit you could do with ffmpeg assuming you were psychic and knew exactly where all the keyframes were.
Both will nudge you towards cutting "on keyframes". Make sure you do that, that way you don't run into any issues. In avidemux, by default, hitting the up or down arrow will seek to the nearest keyframe. Mark the parts you don't want to keep using A/B. Hit delete. Make sure everything is set to "Copy" on the left side, pick MP4 (takes longer - has to interleave the file afterwards) or MKV for the container. Save. Make sure it plays and you didn't fuck anything up. Delete the original.

I downloaded a handful of "master" files before my SLR sub expired, but unfortunately few JAV studios allow actual downloads, so they're all titles where there ain't that much extra quality there to begin with. I doubt I'll bother doing anything with them. e.g. CACA is still CACA whether it's 10 Mbps or 40 Mbps. I could get the output straight out of the camera and it's not going to FIX THE FUCKING FOCUS YOU HAVE ONE JOB.

>23 RF
Trips wasted on this...CRF 23 for 1080p looks like ass...
>2-3 hours
So...23 RF on preset medium? YIFYbros WW@?

Once "porn" becomes the single largest category of data stored, you're already well past it.

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