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>> No.45635952 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Yukari raised an eyebrow, ordering him to continue.

"The weapon's pooling faith as well. What happens if the first time it's used, the sword misses? That would cause it's image as a All-Slaying weapon to be falsified. It's identity isn't set. Take 'The Root' as an example." Goro said, lifting the bracelet. "It's a sterile grudge, a stable curse, neither growing nor shrinking. It's identity is fixed, immutable. You talked about severing two parts from a whole, but what of something atomic? That sword's characteristics are still nebulous until proven. It could still fracture."

Yukari nodded her head and tapped her fan to her lips, taking in the information. "How insightful. The way you talk about it, it's almost like you referring to a Tsukumogami." She commented.

Goro shook his head. "Not so. 'The Root' is surly not such a Youkai and that sword, if it becomes one, wouldn't be the ultimate weapon you desire. If it does become like that, you could say it's 'spoiled' as a tool. You know, before I used to wonder why magic items were so uncommon in trade, now I realize the issue is how hard it is to hold them apart from the legends that color them."

"Quite so, quite so..." Yukari said. "I'll take this into consideration, in the meanwhile I'll have you two visit some Tsukumogami to validate some of this, you know some don't you Seija?" She asked me.

It has been awhile since I payed those two-bit players a visit. Ha, it's gonna be a hoot seeing their reactions to all these strange children. Maybe we can fish out some information about Tsukumos births that'll help us with our own kids...

"Oh, but don't be afraid to take a break at the HSE, I've actually prepared a room for you two! I'll bet you'd enjoy spending some time with Yacchie, Biten, and the rest of our little cohort."

"I'm not staying under the same roof as those strange women." I said crossing my arms.

"Ah, sharing bunks with all manner of strange Youkai, just like the Mouyren Temple." Goro sighed nostalgically.

"Both of you will be welcomed at any time. Just ensure you man your stations at the solstice. Now, if you two excuse me, I have a birthday to attend." She said, before slipping back into the gap.

I turn to Goro. "I have a question, that pool of screaming skulls, was that made from the bracelets magic?"

Goro tilted his head left and right. "In part. This thing is very specifically human powered, which is why it didn't 'spoil' into a Tsukomo, that pool has Oni, Gap, and a few other magics mixed in as well. Short story: Yes."

"So that's what she used the stolen, I mean, 'displaced into an imaginary or whatever space' bead for?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Uggh, you know, I have to ask. If Yukari displacing that bead is the reason we're gonna have kids, does that mean were related to her now? Like, she's the kid's godmother or something?"

"Maybe. I feel like sometimes were in some sort of strange fairy tale with all these strange births and rituals. Don't drink from any rivers or you might get pregnant with a bird or something." He said, rubbing his head.

"Yeah, so, if I'm following, then if we're related to Yukari, by way of our kids, and if Yukari gave 'birth' to the HSE building, which is also Anon's child, then we're now related to half of gensokyo and if that sword 'spoils' into a Tsukomo-"

Goro held up a hand. "The Inaba have a saying 'Families family'. So, let's sort out our new family tree AFTER our children our born okay? And we probably shouldn't say 'spoil' in front of Tsukomos, now that I hear you say it, it sounds like a major faux pas."

Oh gods, we're gonna be related to the Inaba? I had cross-referenced their family registries for hours just to make sure I wasn't naming our children after one of those cheery scamps and I saw at least thirty different pronunciations of 'Tewi'. I'd rather die then remember all those names. Speaking of which...

"Let's call her Oiwa, the child in the HSE." I said.

"The vengeful ghost from Yotsuya Kaidan? How bold!" Goro laughed.

"Hey! It's a good name for a Youkai alright! Plus, It'll be a good reminder to her husband to treat her well!" I defended.

"Alright alright. He waved. Oiwa, it's a good name." He said.

It was nice hearing it from his mouth.


"i'll just write a little and then stop procrastinating on that on other thing"
More Sword-Lore-Tism, it tees up some Tsukumo content, which I always feel doesn't get a lot of appreciation because the Grassroots network, Seija, and Sukuna are so popular.
If you caught the Horus Aximand reference, your going to Hell.

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