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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.8961304 [View]
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time to request my daily
W- Shiroi Iro wa Koibito no Iro

>> No.8733981 [View]
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Nagase Tomoya
he is the main vocal in Tokyo and ex boyfriend from Ayumi Hamasaki.

that's him acting as Sakaki Makio in My Boss MY hero drama

>> No.8527100 [View]
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If you want sex go to roppongi
You have to be a retard to net get a girl for a night.
If you just want to relax and drink a beer .

Just go to Tokyo tower , its even cheaper now I think.

If you have money
Go to Ginza and enjoy your night

If you just want to have fun and dont spend so much money go to shibuya , the 2 streets crossing the 109 building have shit tons of bars.

also I just went to Tokyo for fun to see
<-- Osaka guy

last thing be prepared that for the most bars and restaurants you have to pay for your seat

>> No.8516195 [View]
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What is Bosnia?

>> No.8474261 [View]
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If you are much serious about it , my girlfriend is a manager of a nova school.

>> No.8459308 [View]
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You need return ticket.
Maximum as tourist you can stay 3 months
you can ask for 3 months more .

So if you are lucky you could stay maximum 6 months, try to stay even 1 more day in japan then what you are allowed you will end up in the prison box at the airport and you have to pay the costs for the trouble.

>> No.8252458 [View]
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they fucking dont.

You have 2 type of groups
>idol guys
>people who have only interest in 2D

and no 1 of them gives a shit about this "ALL WOMEN ARE EVIL, PLEASE LOVE ME " or "3DPD"

Its mostly the /v/ tards with the "all women are sluts" and the /a/ tards with 3DPD

>> No.7484435 [View]
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You shouldn't bother with warding if you play armadon he needs every little bit of gold to get tanky

>> No.7295778 [View]
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Good night /jp/
Good night Kago Ai

>> No.7277896 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.7221666 [View]
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>44 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

so what did you do today /jp/ ?

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