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>> No.39087774 [DELETED]  [View]
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I gave out a long offical review of it a couple of threads back: >>39013032
But in short I thought it was super fucking kino, The only problem was that I kept expecting it to end on a sort of cliff hanger or bittersweet ending since I already knew that it had a sequel. What I didn't know is that 0 was a prequel of sorts. I do plan on watching the anime since I heard there's some extra stuff in it and that's theirs an OVA where they go to America so I really do want to watch it. I plan on doing all of that before I read 0 tho and since I want to read the other sci;adv stuff I'll save it for after.

Is there a release date for C;G noah yet? If it's way to long I may just read C;H ahead and reread it when C;G noah comes out or just go ahead and read 0

>> No.39013690 [View]
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*Drip* Drip* *Drip*
*So much blood is pouring out of me... But it's not enough...*

"A-Are you oka-*BZZT!*

Okabe pulls out a taser and tazes Christina making her go unconcious, But still alive. Okabe says he's going to rape his daughters corpse and then kill him slowly which makes the father turn pale white and take her papers and leave! Okabe calls him a coward and checks on Christina. She's alive, but needs more blood over her. He digs into his knife wound causing it to pour out more blood. He lets out a blood curdling scream which cause Suzuha to find him. She says he's lost way to much blood and could die! She drags him to the time machine and straps him in. He's starting to lose his vision slowly... He sees a blinding light and says that he saved her and that we're entering the timeline of his own will, the timeline of STEIN;GATES... and credits roll...

One month later:

Okabe is finally let out of the hospital, If Daru and mayuri weren't there to take him to the hospital then he would've died! Everyones lives is normal, There isn't any news reports of Christina being dead and her father had all of her research destroyed thanks to the fire! Okabe takes a walk downtown happy just knowing Christina is alive and with a smile walks into a crowd of people...And then he sees her. They both stop walking...

*She must remember that I was the guy who stabbed, I should get ready to introduce myself.*

"I-It's you!"

"Ah yes you remember! It is I Okabe! But you shall call me Hououin Kyouma Christina!"

"I told you to stop calling me Christina that's not my name- Eh?"

*W-What?... That's right. Reading Steiner isn't something limited to me. Anyone can have it as long as they have the willpower to remember.*



"Close your eyes."

*Cut to black*

FUCKING KINO!!!! Now onto my review of the game and the feelings I had for it and it's sequel.

I greatly enjoyed the game to be quiet honest, The characters were charming and didn't come off as annoying faggots that most VNs do. I didn't like how for the first like 7 chapters they built up SERN with twists galore and then just dropped it in the end making it not matter. It felt like they just dropped that entire story plot after chapter 8. I would've enjoyed the ending so much more if I didn't know of the existance of Stein;Gates 0 which I believed to be a sequel when it's really a prequel. I kept expecting the game to end on a tragic bitter note or a bittersweet ending but instead we got a happy ending. I want more of this series and I WILL be reading Stein gates 0 fairly soon to see if it's good or not,.

The unique horror of time travel is that You will experience many wonderful and terrible things and will never be able to confide in someone with the same experiences. All I know is if I had a time machine I would be a meance.

8/10 Pretty good story, Expected more from sern and more global impactful stuff but ended up getting a cool romance story with Time travel.

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