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Blog Time:

It's me again >>46093007
I finished watching 89 episodes of NogiDoko (6 singles). The episodes before 2ki introduction were getting boring ngl, especially with all these boring ass outdoor and mission episodes.
Random Notes:
* Hashimoto Nanami-san (yes she's currently older than me, which I honestly find incredibly hot) might have the cutest set of canines ever. The fact there's a japanese boy who has her as his oneesan and that it's not me is so fucking disheartening. I want Nanami oneesan to pamper me, tease me, bully me, and tell me some autistically weird bedtime stories that I'm sure she's capable of producing. I'm so obsessed with Hashimoto-san right now. No other idol simply compare. I didn't want to spoil myself, but this unhealthy obsession lead to me quickly knowing she graduated around the 15th single, which is a fucking shame to say the least. This knowledge alone made me so depressed I had to download her 2 photobooks in order to release all my pent-up anger. And release I certainly did.
* Akimoto's bastard daughter joining the group late and immediately getting a Fukujin position twice was some bullshit. I'm 6 singles in, and I'm still waiting for my sleeper girl Kawago Hina to get more screentime. Fuck this.
* With so many people in the group, and so few senbatsu positions, I'm honestly surprised that many of them haven't called it quits yet. Iwase was smart enough to know she was not making it. Nogizaka senbatsu competition seems to be way more unforgiving than Keyaki/Sakura. And with 13 new additions in 2ki, it's only going to get worse for 1ki unders.
* Speaking of 2ki. I have only seen their introduction episodes. So far, Hori, Junna and the inferior Nanami girl stood out as bijins. Seeing how young they are, I must say I'm surprised. Someone said before that all 1ki and 2ki have graduated. but many of these 2ki haven't even turned 25 yet.
* Shiraishi Mai peaked at her pre-debut episodes, there I said it. I don't know what they are feeding her but it's certainly not much. She looks fucking malnourished. How can a woman get walled this fast in only one year? On the other hand, Matsumura should stop eating like a fat cow. The amount of chin lard she gained on her face is honestly scary. Is she eating Shiraishi's meals? I don't know. What I know is that she's slowing but surely transitioning into a female Himura.
* Thank fuck Ikoma is not center anymore. (She was great in Seifuku no Mannequin though)
* Top 5 songs/MVs so far: 1. Kimi no Na wa Kibou 2. Hoka no Hoshi Kara 3. Sekai de Ichiban Kodoku na Lover 4. Seifuku no Mannequin 5. Guuzen wo Iiwake ni Shite
* New favorite moments: Shitara stroking Manatsu's face massage thingie like a dildo (ep88). Hashimoto confessing her love to Himura after 18 years of NogiDoko (ep70)
* Girl's Rule live costumes took me by fucking surprise. What a fucking treat. Please tell me they get to wear even more sluttier outfits as they progress.

Last but not least, to the two faggots who said in the previous thread you're not oshiing anyone because all these members graduated, suck my balls faggots. You don't get to tell me when or how I like my Japanese women. You liking these girls a decade ago is in no way different than me liking them now. It's fundemantally the same love. Matter of fact, I just created this excel sheet to track down the ages of the members as I go through all their releases, which made my immersion even better. The sheet should also help me in avoiding spoilers. (I'll only check member profiles pictures and song formations from the 48pedia japanese wiki since I can barely understand it; jp level at N4). I'll start by watching the variety shows, live performances, and showrooms all in chronological order. I'll download and blast to the photobooks at the exact dates they were released in (well, except for Nanamin). I'll keep writing my Nogi blogs to see people talk about these girls and you'll keep reading them and call me a larper like the assblasted schizo faggots you are. Or you will enjoy my writeups and keep me company during this huge Nogizaka undertaking. I'll be mainly relying on Nogiarea, aidoruonline and the masterlist for this. If any Nogibro can provide other random stuff, like handshakes/popularity stats for early singles or any other advice, please do so.

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