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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.44841918 [View]
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Speaking of that, how would the incidents play out?
There needs to be some overhaul that lets 2hus fight other 2hus first. One of the problems I can imagine will come up, fighting gives a ton of exp to both parties, so you might end up with low level girls shooting up to B and A tiers pretty much midway through the year. Eventually getting everyone to Ex tier would make playing unfun. Exp like that would have to either be reduced to just one point per NPC fight or disabled completely. Actually, a combat rework is also kinda required for a yandere system to make sense, too.
Just like in the lore, fairies would have to get some special boosted regeneration during incidents and become aggressive, to make it possible to fight more than just one time a day in general. Maybe just keeping the "one fight a day" rule for individuals? Some system that tracks who fought her today, win or loss, to prevent a single girl(or player) from stomping on the same fairy all day. Named fairies should probably have to visit a couple of places in a single day, like really make them sprint all around the place asking for fights to simulate them being kind of a menace. Mob fairies would have to be incorporated too, spawn pretty much on every move between areas. On the player's home map too, and get rerolled every few hours. Actually, other girls would have to have a slightly increased chance to fight each other during incidents too, right?
They might have to have some RNG chance that lets them spare you the fight if in any of the fall states, like say, Cirno isn't gonna beat you up because she doesn't want to make her crush dislike her. Perhaps at lovers and with high sexual frustration she should demand sex from you, fight you if you refuse?
But aside from that, what incidents would there be? I dunno if retreading the same stuff that went down during mainline games is a good idea. And replaying some of the more serious stuff like moonies invading or Okuu's nuclear threats also seem a little weird. I think it should be a little bit more generic stuff. X spread anonymous rumors that spiralled out of control and now everyone is riled up, X really wanted to have a drinking party and that somehow ends up in an incident, someone got scammed by the rabbits and now everyone is pointing fingers at each other, etc.
X would have to be RNG, pick a random girl with at least combat C, that's the culprit, then roll a couple of others with lower or the same ability level to be her temporary subordinates, with a bigger chance to use real subordinates if there are any, select a neutral ground that isn't the player's map, and you can solve those incidents if you beat up everyone involved. If you don't, Reimu, Marisa or one of the others comes by and ends the fun after 3 days.
There would have to be some way to cause incidents yourself, or at least work together with the "bad guys". Of course you'd have to fight 2-4 protagonists over the course of those 3 days, then maybe automatically get bribed by Yukari or one of the other sages to stop it before you completely throw Gensokyo's balance off.

Suggestion not for pedytw/neodev.

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