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>> No.33407843 [View]
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Stuck inside all day due to inclement weather and bored out of your mind? Consider Greenworms! While the weather outside may be dreary, there's no doubt that you and your Greenworm can have a warm and cozy time inside together, regardless of what you like to do to pass time! The kind of person who enjoys cozying up in bed on days like that? Greenworms are one of the best snuggle buddies you could ask for. Their soft huggable bodies somehow manage to increase in huggability under a warm blanket, and I can guarantee that you won't be able to let go of your Greenworm under the comforter together! More of a movies and TV kind of person on the comfy couch? You can probably guess that they'd be good at that. Make some snacks, kick back, and watch some shows together on the sofa! I would recommend either cooking shows or adventure series, as they are what I've found my Greenworm to love the most, and nothing makes me happier than seeing her enjoying spending time together. Surely even the iciest of hearts would melt seeing your Greenworm wipe a little bead of droll that forms watching people cook delicious food, or the sparkle in her eyes when she sees a fearless heroine, one day wishing to be like her. More of a board game kind of person? Well look no further, Greenworms are excellent board game players. Since many board games move at your own pace, Greenworms love them, as they can take their time moving their pieces on account of their lack of fingers and laidback pace. It's even more fun to up the ante by setting aside snack as a reward; your Greenworm will be more determined to win than ever! With the weather where I live being somewhat moody recently, I found myself spending the day indoors with my Greenworm. She wanted to watch a new movie that came out on Danuki+ about a young succubus trying to tell her neighbor she likes him, with increasing antics every time the previous attempt fails, before finally realizing she just needed to be herself and confess. It was unlike what she typically likes to watch, but she was enthralled nonetheless, especially when the movie cut to introspectives of the heroine's internal romantic dialogue! Later on, we played Scrabble at the kitchen table. She must have had the movie on her mind while we played, because she kept spelling out words like LOVE and KISS in the beginning, before getting super serious when I said winner gets to eat a special serving of eggplant stir-fry with the last of my secret spice mix I had. I managed to win, because she slipped up and spelled my name in the empty space left around some of her initial words, which doesn't count obviously. Despite that, I still made the eggplant stir-fry for her and tried to cheer her up by saying that I'm much more happier being able to make food for her, rather than eat it myself. Eventually we snuggled up in bed together and slept for the remainder of the day. Thankfully the weather cleared up the next day, and the two of us could spend time outside together!

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