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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.43825581 [View]
File: 2.07 MB, 2100x3000, cb9336e4fdeabe433422f5f6837eeccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41880283 [View]
File: 2.07 MB, 2100x3000, cb9336e4fdeabe433422f5f6837eeccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wait until she gives birth? If you leave before that she might come to resent the baby, seeing your son/daughter as part of the reason you left. Best do this a few months into it though, so that she can't abort.

>> No.41720511 [View]
File: 2.07 MB, 2100x3000, Reimu crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The days started getting longer again and the snow starting to melt, the world came to life again before you as green returned to the trees and the animals that were hibernating came out of their stupor. Of course this ment the youkai as well and Reimu's days grew harder and longer. You didn't understand the details but recently the wild youkai have been growing larger in number, perhaps it had to do with the village growing more prosperous meaning more and more prey however you didn't know for sure. You didn't have the ability to solve the issue after all nor the power even if you did come up with a solution so all you could do was support Reimu as she found herself busier then usual this spring. As a result your red and white lover has been a bit more distant and tired when she returns home, you understood completely however as the stories she tells troubles you, mostly stories of people disappearing, people beseeching her with tearful eyes to find loved ones. Even you've been accosted by people when you go shopping asking to pass word your raven haired wife about how the youkai here and there are more dangerous then usual attacking and even sometimes intruding upon the fields. Naturally as a result Reimu has been feeling tired lately, simply doing her duty has been taxing her more then usual as this isn't as simple as her usual incidents where she can simply take care of the mastermind and have it all work out.
It was another day's end and Reimu had come home, a bright and sunny day at least but all that ment was that Reimu had to go out and patrol the village's fields and hunt the more notorious youkai who choose to break the rules. You were silently massaging her back, as small as it looked to you you could feel the knots from the burden she carried, literally in this case and as she sipped on her tea and watched the evening from her veranda. You didn't say a word and neither did she, you knew she liked carrying her burdens inside and she valued her silence in these times. If she choose to share her burden you'd be all ears of course but now was not that time, so you simply counted on your silent comfort and your skills in cooking to let her relax without worries in her own home. Reimu dismissed you with a soft word after she had her fill of your massage, the knots mostly gone by now and you could tell her mood has been lifted a bit even if it was bit heavy still as recent events clearly weighed on her mind. You moved to the kitchen your voice trailing behind you as you said, "The family of the fishmonger you rescued gave us a gift you know? He had a good catch of Tai and gave me some of his best". You saw out of the corner of your eye Reimus cheeks lift a bit "I see.. I hoped he would recover from his wounds well enough to work.." seeing her spirits lift even a little made you smile too and filled your heart with joy.
You began your work, taking the fish out from the cold storage already gutted by the fishmonger and descaled by your own hand before storing them, it didn't take long for you fillet them, marinading them in onions sauce as you know Reimu likes it and preparing rice and soup stock as sides. You pulled out your secret weapon to win her mood back from the youkai, pickled plum you plated and served alongside the rice and you nodded in satisfaction at the presentation and confident in the taste as you took the fish off the heat and got it ready alongside the rest of the food on Reimu's tray. The food served she began to dig in, the days fatigue clearly increasing her appetite as she hungrily ate savoring the picked plums. You were halfway done with your meal before she asked for seconds, although she made to get it herself once she realized you were still dining however you said it was fine and got up to serve her the seconds you knew she was going to ask for anyways, you felt true bliss as the meal seemed to wash away the troubles that have been plaguing her.
The troubles weren't gone entirely however, one meal or massage couldn't wash it away after all, the amounts of raw human suffering you knew that was inflicted by these ravenous wild youkai may not have been much from an outside perspective, maybe not to you knowing what you knew of how bad things got in the outside world but to her, in this land, being the one that had to catch the brunt of it by way of her job caused it to pile up. That night she cried into your arms, spilling all the horrors and tears she witnessed onto you as you both lay in bed her sobbing voice shaky and weak, "That was when I reached the Youkai's den... I thought if I moved fast enough it'd be okay but by the time I got there the child was already... her face!". The grip on your arms was intense but you didn't complain, despite the bruising that would form you'd take all the pain if it helped assuage her for one night, you'd let yourself be beaten bloody if it'd help. That night the tears staining her face glistened in the moonlight as she slept still held by you.

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