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>> No.45824378 [View]
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"Hey, why don't we stick around for a while, actually?" She said to Marisa, who paused halfway through putting her hat on. "We'll help Reimu get all of those freeloaders next door out of here." She pointed a thumb in the direction of the spare room that was currently housing half of the party's attendees. "Then we can make sure she's not too hungover to function for the next day or so." It was probably a good decision, actually. "I think I know a few hangover remedies, actually. Heavenly ones." She got a very smug look on her face when she said that, and I wondered if they'd actually be good or not.

Either way, I looked over at Yamame and asked her if she wanted to help with waking people up. She nodded. "Yeah...I want to wake Ki up. She's still wearing Miss Raki's clothes, too." That was a good point, and I didn't know where Raki herself had disappeared to. Maybe she was up on the roof? If she'd gone home, then returning her clothes and Kisami's clothes would become a bit of a headache. Lady Kasen didn't seem to be around either, though...Knowing her, she'd probably show up before long. Yamame got to her feet and extended her hand - The one with the ring. I took it and pulled myself up to my feet.

Reimu was next, and she breathed in deeply before closing her eyes for a moment. Once she'd opened them again, she looked a little better. "Prayer to Konohana-Sakuyahime. She's the goddess of sake. She's always telling me what I should do to make my sake taste better." I blinked. Somehow, I'd completely forgotten that Reimu could speak to gods. From time to time, she'd mention something that a god apparently said completely off-hand, and I'd never been quite sure if I should take it seriously. Still, Marisa and Tenshi were up by the time I'd gotten over it, so we headed out as a group and over to the spare room.

Surprisingly, it had already started to clear out. Miss Yuuka was still there with Elly, but Miss Narumi had disappeared, as had Seiran and the man from the village. Yuyuko and Youmu were there, and so were Remilia and Sakuya. "Alright..." Reimu muttered, rubbing her eyes. She looked very tired, and I imagined that all of us probably needed a proper night's sleep. "I'll deal with these two." She indicated Yuyuko and Youmu. "Uh...Marisa, you can do Sakuya and Remi. Tenshi..." She got a slightly pleading look on her face.

Tenshi took one look at it and sighed heavily. "Fine, I'll do the flower youkai." She muttered in an exhausted tone. I supposed that waking up a youkai as powerful as Miss Yuuka was probably dangerous. Waking up Reimu got me a punch, so I already suspected worse.

"Thanks. And finally..." She looked over at Yamame and I. "Komachi and Kisami?" Yamame nodded and I followed suit. "Alright, let's...Well, it's probably not going to be fun, but let's get it over with." And with that, she pulled both of Youmu's swords out of reach, then began nudging the half-phantom with her foot. Almost immediately, Youmu shot up, her hands moving as if she was swinging a sword that wasn't actually there. "Seriously, you always do that." Reimu muttered, dropping the swords into Youmu's arms. "C'mon, scram. Party's over."

I left her to that and the ensuing headache. Meanwhile, Marisa was doing the exact same thing with Sakuya, but by removing all of the knives she could find. And just as Youmu had, Sakuya immediately attempted to throw a knife that wasn't actually there. Almost immediately after, Sakuya's eyes shot open, and her hands went to her head. All that alcohol she'd drunk seemed to have caught up with her, and Marisa told her to take Remilia home and sleep it off.

Tenshi, meanwhile, had taken a different approach. Nudging Miss Yuuka didn't seem to be working, so she'd progressed to harder nudges, and was almost reaching full force kicks, but the flower youkai just kept sleeping. "What the hell...?" I heard Tenshi mutter. "Alright, fine..." She turned and poked Elly, who immediately swung her scythe at Tenshi. Tenshi, in a casual display of her combat prowess, simple spun slightly to the side and allowed the scythe to sail past her, then poked Elly in the forehead. "Hey! Wake up your boss, will you?"

Meanwhile, Yamame and I approached the sleeping redheads. There was a notebook clipped to the side of Komachi's outfit, and I felt like it was pulsing, even though I wasn't sure how a notebook could do that. Yamame went around to Kisami's side while I went to Komachi's, and we both crouched down. I didn't really have a plan, so I decided that I'd like Komachi's scythe out of the way. Just in case she decided to attack like the others had. Unfortunately, she had her arms more or less wrapped around it, so I stood up and grabbed the scythe by the shaft. I looked over at Yamame, who watched me for a moment, then nodded slowly. She mouthed a countdown, and I yanked the scythe upward right as she poked Ki on both sides of her waist at once. This had a very fun effect.

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