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>> No.42722639 [View]
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Though you did your best to stay awake, exhaustion eventually took its toll and you ended up falling back into a restless sleep. That was until a loud crash shook you awake. Yoshika finally had enough of asking to be let in and came crashing in through your window. Before you could try to reach for the knife under your pillow, she had hopped up on top of you and with a sickening crunch, she forced her arms to bend so that they could be wrapped around you to immobilize you. She was mumbling something else now. "Just a taste..." This was it, you thought. She was going to eat you. You cursed the wicked hermit and the half hearted assurance she gave you as you braced for the pain. Rather than pain, you felt something else. The spine tingling sensation of the jiang shi sliding her cold slimy tongue up and down your neck. You worried that she was merely savoring the flavor before taking a bite but it never came. Yoshika seemed content with tasting, just as she said. You flinched and began fearing for your life again when you felt her teeth against your neck but she was only applying gentle nibbling in addition to the licking. She voiced a desire for more of your warmth and began trying to lock her lips with yours. You tried your best to prevent it by moving your face away but a strong squeeze from her rigid arms reminded you that she could change her mind about this at any moment. You squeezed your eyes shut as the jiang shi slid that cold tongue of hers into your mouth. She was an undead and you could clearly taste it on her breath. You did your best to endure her.

Maybe it was your imagination but it felt as though Yoshika was indeed getting warmer. It was like she really was absorbing your body heat. Once she had her fill of your taste, Yoshika unwrapped her arms from around you and sat up to a straddling position, without having to force her limbs to cooperate this time. It appeared she no longer had any trouble moving. Yoshika smiled down at you and in an unexpected display of lucidity, said that you made her feel as though she were alive again. She leaned down again, bringing her face in front of yours. With a devious grin that reminded you a bit of her master, Yoshika added that you could still do more to make her feel alive.

You went pale, knowing exactly what she was about to do. Not wanting to be forced to delve further into necrophilia than you already have, you tried to push her off but Yoshika was not dissuaded. The undead quickly regained her balance and in a startling display of speed, had a hand around your neck before you could even register what she was doing. She squeezed, wordlessly reminding you that though her movement was restored, she was still capable of the strength that came with undeath. She could tell by the look on your face that you understood and she let go. Without breaking eye contact, Yoshika shoved her hand down your pants and began preparing you for what was next. Now that her touch was no longer cold, it was easy for her to force a state of arousal in you. Once you were ready, she reached under her skirt and pulled off her underwear, carelessly tossing it aside. After yanking your pants off, she readjusted herself on top of you and with an almost malicious smirk, repeated her demand that you make her feel alive again. You tried to look away as she slid you inside of her but she grabbed you by your face and forced you to look at her.

You expected yourself to immediately be disgusted by the sensation of penetrating a corpse but Yoshika felt surprisingly lifelike. Though her insides were not nearly as warm as that of a living person, it was warm enough that it didn't feel gross and it only got warmer as she began moving. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't deny the pleasure that you were feeling as the jiang shi continued to enjoy herself on you. Seeing her now, up close and in better lighting conditions, you actually found her to be kind of pretty despite her condition. You knew as well as any man did that you probably weren't thinking straight in the midst of a sexual act but you began thinking that maybe this didn't need to be so bad and began trying to justify your actions to yourself. Yoshika may be dead physically but she still had a soul. As such, what you were doing wasn't as bad as traditional necrophilia, right? These were the types of questions that occupied your mind as you grabbed the jiang shi and pulled her back down towards you so that you could shove your tongue into her mouth as she did to you earlier. At this point your head was so clouded by pleasure that you didn't even care about how ghastly her breath was. Sick and depraved, that's what you were and for now, that was fine by you. You held out for as long as you could but eventually found yourself filling the undead with warmth that she craved so badly.

>> No.33830766 [View]
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Tell them to stop being so sexy
(MCMICHAEL later claimed this post to be a joke)

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