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>> No.46990480 [View]
File: 71 KB, 850x568, __matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231__sample-46e867c20b3acadb6e4bfbb1764f42cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Chapter 9: Finale-

Okina sighed theatrically as she sat down in her chair, exerting herself like this wasn’t good for her health, but one must always do as circumstances dictate after all. Turning her head to the black orb now bound in ethereal chains above the tree which served as Sekai’s the body,where Reimu, Mima, the Marisa Drone, Ibaraki, and Sekai had all gathered, she felt a slight wave of calm wash over her as they began undertaking.

Smiling, she shifted her gaze to the rapidly approaching ‘god squad’ as they had been designated during the planning meeting, as per Cirno’s request of course. The three from the Moriya shrine broke off from Cirno and Shou, flying towards the location of the sealing squad.

The Myouren temple’s idol wore a sour look on her face as she descended, but for Cirno’s part she looked shocked.

“So, Okina.” Shou said, floating towards the backdoor god menacingly before sweeping her spear as if to survey the remnants of the human village. “What exactly were you planning with all of this?”

Okina pressed her lips together in a thin, strained smile as a suspicious look flashed across her eyes. “Hmmm,” she hummed, saying nothing as she pressed the tips of her fingers together. “Perhaps you think I’m not taking this seriously enough?”

“Okina.” Shou stamped the base of her spear into the ground. “Answer me.”

Okina looked to Shou, only returning the same thin smile as their eyes met. In contrast to the barely subdued fury behind Shou’s, Okina’s eyes were like a sea of calm whose depths could never be breached.

Shou tightly gripped the pagoda she held in one hand as it began to flame. “Okina Matara, If I ever learn for certain, that you had any part in orchestrating this catastrophe I will-”

“Shou!” Byakuren’s voice cut in, causing Shou to stand stock still. Half-jogging to the trio were Byakuren and Miko, each walking across the ruins of houses, destroyed dirt roads, and stones with an unnatural grace which betrayed their pseudo-saintly and non-pseudo-saintly natures respectfully. Byakuren held her automatic scroll in one and her vajra in the other, while Miko held a shaku in one hand while her real body, a sword, lay in its scabbard.

There was a coy, but not mocking smile on the crown prince’s face as she approached. “Byakuren, it seems your Idol really does get up to some interesting things when you aren’t looking.”

Byakuren sighed, annoyed at the prince. “Shut up Taishi, you’re making it sound like she did something perverted.” Byakuren’s tone was stressed, causing Shou to straighten her posture. She hadn’t noticed she arched it when she started accusing Okina.

Cirno for her own part did the same, The previous worried expression on her face vanishing to make for a surprised one as she straightened her back up even as she floated mid air, creating quite the odd sight.

Okina smiled at that, before turning to the crown prince. “My prince.” She said, bowing her head forward slightly as if to give deference to her, but not bowing low enough to even be thought of as a proper bow or show of submission.

“Goddess.” Miko returned the gesture, but bowing operationally, waving her cape behind her as she did so.

Nobody but those two really understood the meaning in the shared mockery or the importance of their gestures, but it had little to do with the matter at hand, and much more to do with their own interpersonal relationship.

>> No.46818891 [View]
File: 71 KB, 850x568, __matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_kame_kamepan44231__sample-46e867c20b3acadb6e4bfbb1764f42cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I don't believe this" Reimu commented, before sipping on some sake.
"You'd think her face wouldn't be capable of such an expression." Kanako added.
"You smell so good Mrs. Okina!" Sanae drunkenly said, sniffing my hair.
In my prior existence I didn't think much of these parties, just a bunch of drunks yapping it up and leaving a mess that'd have to be cleaned up afterwards, but I think the difference now was that I, having thoroughly overestimated the drinking ability of this body, was smashed.
"Eh he he, thanks Sanae-tan." I said, letting the girl continue to smell me.
"Are we seriously going to believe this isn't just a ploy? You gods are always so proud of your behavior, but Okina splitting herself, becoming a man, marrying the inheritor of her...his aspect, and then letting her act like this in his body? Ahhh, it's so confusing." Reimu said red-face.
"I'll chose to ignore that slight about gods, but as for her behavior, it seems strange, but perhaps not so for Gensokyo?" Kanako shrugged, drinking from her cup. "If she really is drunk, then maybe this is our chance to learn something about the hidden god?"
"Oh, oh, I got one! Mrs. Wife of the Hidden god, how did you meet your husband and fall in love?" Sanae asked.
"That's easy, I met Okina because every other religion in Gensokyo told me going home was impossible and that's when she appeared before me! As for love, after he put me in her body and defiled me, all my hope of going home went away, so I accepted the situation and made the best of it!." I explained, before sipping from my cup.
Kanako turned to Reimu "Don't look at me." The Miko said "I don't make the rules about what can come in or go out of the barrier. You crossed that line once, so shouldn't you know better then I?" She waved.
"I was actually thinking more about whether or not Okina doing such things crosses some other kind of line, but it's not like we have any ability to control the mechanics of the barrier either." Kanako shrugged. "After all, why would a god let a worshiper leave to the outside?"
"Are you two gossiping about me?" A voice coo'd as a gap split between the two and Yukari appeared. "Ah, purple parasol pauper!" I said gleefully, pointing at Yukari.
She stifled a laugh at the comment. "Seriously I'll never get used to 'that' face being so carefree or sympathetic. You all should've seen when she restarted a SIDS baby's heart."
"Ah! Aren't miracles my job? Mrs. Okina! You can't just steal someone else's means of gathering faith!" Sanae said, jokingly hitting me with her fists.
"It was an enfeeblement, you know, I'm well within my rights to answer such prayers." I said.
"That aside," Yukari began "some things are harder to send through the barrier then others, even for me, Okina's power could have probably sent him back through, but as we can see, she seemed to have other plans. What was your husband thinking I wonder, 'Mrs. Okina'?"
"Probably something like 'I'll toy with him as a girl until I've lost interest', but he keeps me around because I'm a useful thing to him maybe." I said woozily.
"For an evil god to have a benevolent spouse... quite cunning when you think about." Kanako pondered.
"Yup, I don't think my husband can answer good-natured prayers because of that reputation of his! But maybe it's just because he's lonely without a shrine miko or shikigami to keep him company..."
"Who's lonely?" Okina said, coming from behind me and sitting down.
"Hubby!" I said impulsively, wrapping myself around his arm. "What are you doing walking around and talking to other girls? Don't you know your wife is sitting out here in the cold by herself?" I chastised.
"Repent hubby!" Sanae said, slapping the Matara's head with her stick.
"You all can run in circles all you'd like about this or that, but I doubt you'll understand my intentions for another thousand years. In fact, please do, meanwhile I'll gather all Gensokyo's faith for myself. Don't worry though, I leave you all just a little so the world can have that much more color." He mused, ignoring Sanae's punishments.
"You say all that, but aren't you the one preoccupied with that woman on your arm? Can you really be the 'Absolute' secret god with such an arrangement? Or is she just an accessory like your Douji?" Reimu asked nonchalantly.
"I wouldn't be a very secret god if I just told you would I? Please ponder that as well while I secure more of your worshipers. But I will say this, she is my Wife because I deemed it so, that is my will." Okina answered.
"Then how about a kiss!" Sanae asked.

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