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Last samefag
But getting these 2 pregnant was kinda tough since both were super prideful and had like 90 stars to fill before they'd even agree, but after they do saying they want your child was nice
Ran would talk about how nervous she was and that Chen would be a good big sister
Yukari got a lot more needy and would put your hand on her tummy as often as she could
After they were born (initially) i was a little disappointed they didn't have some randomly generated image like some of the random youkai you can encounter, but I didn't mind
They were born with like a couple days (Rans was a girl and the Yukaris a boy) and I spammed the shit out of the child interaction button
I remember how my character made 2 handmade toys for them and would help them in learning to walk
Now idk if it's intended or just hyperactive imagination but I got kinda immersed into it
One of the moments i remember most is (I'm assuming is the same for every character) but it was like
>Be doing some random shit / probably mixing
>Hear loud steps coming my direction
>Something happened
>Get kinda scared
>Follow her
>He just said mama
>No fucking way
>He indeed said mama, but only to her, not to me

Afterwards i saw them get older very fast and eventually they said they would go out on their own though I'd preferred they didn't

And a little before i stopped playing, i received a letter from them talking about the toy i made for them and sending money

I didn't want money, i just wanted them to be back
can't believe I felt sad for my faceless no image text game children
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