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>> No.46943732 [View]
File: 277 KB, 850x662, __reisen_udongein_inaba_inaba_tewi_and_junko_touhou_drawn_by_suenari_peace__sample-534d5796668f0db07326f9eb99f14342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 8-

“Ta dah!” Tewi exclaimed, placing the wardrobe down onto the marble floor of the large greco-roman style gazebo. Presenting the furniture to Junko and Hecatia as they sat at the table in the gazebo’s center.

Then, to continue her act, Tewi wrenched the door of the wardrobe open, causing Anon, and Ran who was now holding Chen, to stumble out of the wardrobe. Blinking confusedly as they entered into the blindingly bright roof top gazebo.

“Uh, Hi?” Anon, half greeted, half questioned as he tried to get his bearings

Ran opened her mouth to speak before freezing in her tracks, her eyes glued to Hecatia and Junko as they stared on amusedly. Turning to Tewi, Ran promptly ignored the two terrifying goddesses. “And just what are we doing here, if you don’t mind me asking miss Inaba.” Her tone was cold, professional, and unmistakably pissed off.

“Isn’t it obvious, I rescued you.” Tewi put her hands on her hips, and stuck out her tongue. Faux-offense coming through her voice as she smiled.

“I’m thankful for the rescue, but, forgive me for being suspicious, but could we know what’s going on with the village.” Ran’s tone was professional, spotless even, betraying not a hint of emotion. Tewi thought it’s a tone she might’ve been using with Yukari recently.

“Well I think they’re a bit too busy being caught up in that.” Hectic said, pointing to an empty point in space, right before a mirror showing the battle at the human village appeared. “At the moment.”

It was a scene of chaos and above it all sat an ominous black orb, looking out onto the world and through the viewing mirror with hateful eyes.

Anon and Ran stood surprised, looking out through the viewing glass and onto the destroyed human village and ongoing battle.

“Tewi…” Anon trailed off as he shifted his gaze to the two goddess as they watched Anon and Ran in silence. “And friends, I know this might be unreasonable, but can’t you do something about this.”

“We could.” Junko said, nodding but saying nothing else. Tewi really hated when she did that, couldn’t the woman just say ‘no’ like a normal person, or at least explain her response.

“But honestly they’re handling it fine on their own, no need for us to do anything.” Hecatia said, lounging back in her seat, Tewi issued a silent prayer to the goddess, she didn’t know where Junko would be, socially speaking, without Hecatia.

Deciding it was time to interject before Ran or Anon decided to do something rash, did Hecatia absolutely have to show them the battlefield?
“Well, you two can’t really do anything right now, and the little miss there is obviously out like a light, so thinking about shouldn’t you guys just enjoy your time here, for now!” Tewi hopped in the air, one hand raised, but only received spectacle glances from Ran and Anon.

‘Geeze, looks like they don’t like the cutise act, my fault for pushing it so much anyways.’ Although in her opinion they were being far too ungrateful, if she really wanted to kill or kidnap them she had a literal menagerie of demon lord she knew that could do the job, even a goldfish.

Ran warily eyed the three suspicious women as she held Chen in her arms. “Forgive me if I have some… reservations for leaving Anon here.”

“Reservations?” Ran and Anon flinched as Junko cocked her head, she really could be a scary woman when you didn’t know her too well, and admittedly when you did know her. Sometimes she would get so into her grudge-trance thing she’d forget about the entire world, even her own son.

Hecatia laughed. “You won’t have to worry about any of us trying to take your man, I’m a virgin goddess afterall.”

Junko shook her head in agreement. “I’m not looking for a relationship right now, and I believe Tewi is spoken for, is she not?” Junko tilted her head, innocently questioning Tewi’s relationship status. Tewi almost verbally sighed, Junko should really make less of an effort to be cute, it didn’t suit her at all and made people who didn’t know her too well uncomfortable with how robotic the woman acted.

“Yeah, but don’t tell anyone Anon, I have a reputation to uphold.” Tewi cut it, she ought to keep him from prying too much anyways, it wasn’t important and everything was nearly over. She doubted Yukari would win so having Anon stay here for now was the best option for avoiding instability.

“Just stay here for now, okay. Nothing’s going to happen, I’ll promise you that.” Tewi didn’t even want to get this involved in the first place, but a Gensokyo which was too unstable didn’t suit her and Yukari had gone down a darker path which would lead to trouble anyways.

Chen stirred slightly in Ran’s arm. Ran sighed. “You’re right, do you have a room where I could put Chen.”

“Yep, Yep, just follow me this way.” Finally Tewi bounded off, Ran and Anon following behind her.

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