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>> No.35207041 [View]
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EVERYTHING in Lostbelt 6, Alternate Britain, is yandere fairies. It just so happens the new girls are the only ones summonable:
>country is filled with fairies including generic creatures like goblins, elves and dwarves
>you people arrive in a village of banished fairies
>they are hospitable and cook for you
>eventually you get hungry again
>fairy finds weird you are wanting to eat more not like you are a human to need to eat wi- WAIT A SECOND
>they realize
>entire village starts swarming in wanting to cook for (You) and you eat their food
>turns out the mere presence of a human already makes fairies happy as fuck by default and feeds them
>turns out they outright NEED to do stuff for humans. Like a hard-wired purpose
>Morgan controls the human population so for this banished village (You) are like a dream come true
>fairies are so obsessed with humans they are envious of Morgan’s guards and patrols that can even stay nearby humans
>they want to pamper and take care of humans
>they want to take their hair, their nails
>they want to twist their fingers, hurt them
>they are desperate to the point of ambushing humans and other fairies, making agreements like tearing people in half so each fairy gets an equal portion of a human
>turns out their purpose isn’t only “serve” humans, depending on the fairy the purpose can be to help, to bully, to hurt. Regardless of what they want to do to/with humans they are desperate to do anything for those goals
>village was stable without humans
>now it has one
>village starts duking it out because everyone wants (You), but eventually it becomes a civil war between the fairies that care for humans and the ones that bully them, a bunch of them die
>all of the summonable servants of the current batch are yandere as fuck. They seem normal at default, but become more and more psychotic as they are bonded up, suggesting getting rid of all your other servants because you only need her, begging to kill them before they lose control and vore (You), to tie them up and never abandon them etc.

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