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>> No.10524518 [View]
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When I was a like three years old I used to steal my little sister's diapers and wear them and have diaper tea parties with all my stuffed animals.
When my sister became too old for diapers I tried to make makeshift ones out of newspaper and towels but it was awful.
When I was in elementary school I used to wet the bed/my pants on purpose hoping my parents would put me back in diapers, but instead they thought it was because I was having nightmares from watching Pokemon and threatened to ban me from watching it so I stopped. I really enjoyed wetting the bed though so I kept myself to a schedule of only wetting once a month so my parents wouldn't get suspicious and think I was doing it on purpose.
I once had a reoccurring dream every night for two years where I'd go to the grocery store with my mom and wet my pants when we got up to the cashier. Sometimes I would realize that I was dreaming and try to run out the door but I would always wet my pants first and the door wouldn't open.
The reason my teeth are kind of fucked up even after braces is because I never stopped sucking my thumb.
I have a stash of diapers and a cute pink pacifier hidden in an unused paper shredder in my closet right now. I have to pacifiers; the other one is currently in my mouth.
I wish I could be four years old forever...

>> No.9693909 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.9678077 [View]
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how can you bully me like that?? how can you just write out a hurtful post designed to make someone cry like that? you dont even care what it is your doing

when people on jp bully me im not sad because of the comment... im sad because someone is so depserate to bully that theyll take the time to wright out such hurtful things

>> No.9644517 [DELETED]  [View]
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it would be nice if the janitor left me alone sometimes
ive done nothing to hurt him or her and its sad to be the victim of bullying

>> No.9643092 [View]
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i am not a sh!tposter and i think thats a big isnult
i put my heart into my posts and your calling my heart poop. :( think your words over... im gonna take a nap now to try and get over these sad feelings im having... im sad that someone on jp would say such hurtful things so offhandedly :( i didnt think that was the kind of culture we had here but i gues i was wrong

we have to work hard to keep the new bullys out

>> No.9640017 [View]
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>> No.9622028 [View]
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yeah... me too ;_;
i miss him and i hope hes ok
thank you for the compliment...

>> No.9054838 [View]
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too much bullying for 1 day
*runs away*

>> No.9044135 [View]
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*says nothing because is having a moment of silence*

>> No.8991516 [View]
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no usually i just cry
i am very emotionally fragile

>> No.8974261 [DELETED]  [View]
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no i dont im trying to stand up to bullies ;~;
its realyl hard

>> No.8973402 [DELETED]  [View]
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nsj already did.. :(
please dont think that

>> No.8968048 [View]
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i want to post
i want to go back to the old days
i want to post without threeads getting deleted..
i wnana go back..
help me

>> No.8962516 [View]
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, sherlock tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've have googled this. Now I'm going to jail.

>> No.8958475 [DELETED]  [View]
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okay you win im sorry

>> No.8957783 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.8881061 [View]
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:( doesnt he have anything better to do

>> No.8768463 [View]
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maybe we live in the same town lol

why would you need knifes im not dangerous or anything :(
ill choose to ignore the last thing you said pervert

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