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>> No.40506437 [View]
File: 504 KB, 640x960, NHK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interacting with a higher dimensional goddess, she gave me a blue demiurge sword, requiring 60 intelligence, 90 faith to use. I had 63 int, 83 faith, so I thought "only three points wasted." I was told I must consume giant squid to be able to use it, and giant squid is the most common fantasy creature consumed to induce awakening.
I'm in front of the giant slaves at Pontiff digging with a shovel, when a massive giant squid tentacle bursts out. The goddess from before appears riding on top of a kneeling giant in blue and gold armour. I hop on with her, she talks about becoming one of the 100 best Dark Souls players, bringing up the legend of the 100 heroes or
heroes, and I should be one of them. As she says this a nearby guy sleeping in bed hyperventillated ecstatically. I look up a higher dimensional weblist, check for Naster and see his name. I look for myself and find "Soeltaar Unstoppable". The goddess was calling me Granita which I thought was a girly way of saying Granrojo.

Watching a match between players with the highest Ds3 playtime. Recognising the two fighting, I laughed "Haha, it's r1 spam and noob-bot" A teacher told me I had played 14th most, I said "Aw, I wish it was 13th" making her laugh. I saw players impersonating me with Soeltaar-esque names, represented by seagulls, I laughed "Seagulls are so perfect for representing Dark Spirits."

Went into a classroom where Yukari was the teacher, I sat at her left and a girl sat at her right.

At a place like Pontiff, a small red flame buff above my right arm that represents being on steroids. A guy is annoying me, so I tell him he's cursed to get anally raped to death by trannies, then walk off. He follows me so I just repeat that he's cursed though it loses its bite somewhat. He's left behind, I keep walking until I see a girl in a purple & orange blazer with "SUCCUBUS" emblazened on it, heading towards a fence over where I see other girls wearing it. Since it has Yukari's colours I want one, I ask if I can have one but she says no, then I hear someone over the fence say "Oh, my bitch followed me."

Wake up in a class with my Yukari figure, her paint peeling off in ribbons to reveal black underneath while I'm trying to fix it though it's pretty hopeless. The prior assistant teacher girl says "how can that even happen?"

I'm using Power Within, chasing a host who runs back to Pontiff arena, then lays out many items that were emitting heavy black auras. I pick up some, one being "Blood Eagle".

I hear a voice saying "This board is dead, what remains the the worshipping of model, and this is the same as the state of the world at large, but it's going to be over soon." I see an image of Yukari, a golden butterfly inside a sukima over her left eye shining down golden light, thinking I'd seen this image before but no gold butterfly, instead waves of dark purple butterflies raining down. I was referred to as "Blood Raven"

A guy summoned me in the vessel of King Solomon, the Ultimate Alchemist. He was very excited, walking off with me, while another guy went "Pfft." because of my dishonor/corruption/etc.

I was told to make a Yukari thread to try to make up for the misfortune I've put her through, using a certain picture of her with a large gap filled with purple eyes behind her. I remembered it well upon waking, but couldn't find it through all of her pixiv art and a lot of booru.

Mentioned to my brother I collected nearly 8000 pictures of Yukari once, he asked "why?" I shrugged, why not? He shows me an image of Yukari that sort of periodically expands, becoming more glitched until it became still, he said it'll take 80 years for it to move just one more pixel, or any time if she felt like it.

With Yukari, I go over to her. Welcome to the NHK is referenced, she says I was always good at living like a NEET, doing my own thing, going to sleep day after day without much need for socialising, and this is related to me having eternal love for her, as she makes me kiss her hand. I kiss her other hand, then she makes out with me as I run my hands over her back which feels like its very wide so I can do it freely. After, I ask if she can tell me which artist made the image I should use for an OP, she says not to worry just use this image, as she shows a weird bathroom image, saying "that'll stop the spammers" in a spiteful sarcastic tone. She pulls me off into a neighbouring bathroom, says "alright, I gave you a blowjob so now I'm going to do two other guys" as she looks over the guys in the other bathroom in front of me. I think maybe just look away and it wont be too terrible(yeah, right), after a few seconds can't take it, saying "Stop it! I just want a normal love!" then thought normal is a stupid word, reiterating "a normal, uncursed love!" She vanishes from that spot and I hear her voice from across the room "he thinks he deserves me, he's a super turd" as all the guys in the bathrooms' heads transform into the glitched image from before.

>> No.40448164 [View]
File: 504 KB, 640x960, NHK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interacting with a higher dimensional goddess and she gave me some things including a blue demiurge sword that required 60 intelligence and 90 faith to use. I had 63 int and 83 faith so I thought "only three points wasted." I was told I needed to consume the flesh of a giant squid to be able to use it, and that giant squid is the most common fantasy creature consumed to induce awakening.
I'm in front of the giant slaves at Pontiff digging with a shovel when a massive giant squid tentacle bursts out. The goddess from before appears riding on top of giant in blue and gold armour kneeling. I go on top with her and she talks about becoming one of the 100 best Dark Souls players, bringing up the legend of the 100 heroes or
heroes and that I should be one of them. As she says this there's a guy nearby in a bed hyperventillating ecstatically . I look up a higher dimensional weblist and check for Naster and I see his name, I look for myself and find "Soeltaar Unstoppable". The goddess was calling me Granita which I thought was a girly way of saying Granrojo.

There was a couple of guys barbequeing some meat but they wouldn't share with me, and I called them out on joining in when some other guy would cook and share meat with all of us.
I went into a classroom where Yukari was the teacher, I sat at her left and a girl sat at her right.

At a place like Pontiff, there's a little red flame buff above me right arm that represents being on steroids. There a guy who annoys me so I tell him he's cursed to get anally raped to death by trannies, then walk off. He follows me so I just repeat that he's cursed though it loses its bite somewhat. He's left behind as I keep walking along until I see a girl in a purple and orange blazer that with "SUCCUBUS" written on it, heading towards a fence over which I see other girls with this blazer. Since it has Yukari's colours I want one so I ask if I can have one but she says no, then I hear someone over the fence say "oh, my bitch followed me."

I wake up in a class with my Yukari figure, her paint peeling off in ribbons to reveal black underneath while I'm trying to fix it though it's pretty hopeless. The girl who was assistant teacher to Yukari with me says "how can that even happen?"

I'm using Power Within and chasing a host who runs back to Pontiff arena then lays out many items that were emitting heavy black auras. I pick up a few, the one I remember being "Blood Eagle".

Around my unit's carport, I hear a voice saying "This board is dead, what remains the the worshipping of model, and this is the same as the state of the world at large, but it's going to be over soon." I go into a house nearby with maybe Yukari, killing one invader, as I see an image of Yukari with a golden butterfly inside a sukima over her left eye shining down golden light, and thought I had seen this image before but with waves of dark purple butterflies raining down. Someone or something refers to me as "Blood Raven", as the person I'm with gets ready to defend from more invaders, using Polymorph to disguise, so I use it too.

I was told to make a Yukari thread to try and make up for all the misfortune I've dragged her through, using a certain picture of her with a large gap filled with purple eyes behind her.

My mention to my brother that I collected nearly 8000 pictures of Yukari once, he asked "why?", I don't remember my response. He shows me an image of Yukari that sort of periodically expands and becomes more glitched out until it becomes static, and he says it'll take 80 years for it to move just one more pixel, or any time if she simply feels like it.

I'm with Yukari, I go over to her and Welcome to the NHK is referenced somehow as she says I was always good at living like a NEET, just doing my own thing and going to sleep day after day without much need for socialising, and that this is somehow related to me having eternal love for her, as she makes me kiss her hand. I then kiss her other hand, then she makes out with me as I run my hands over her back which feels like its very wide so I can do it freely. Afterwards I ask if she can tell me which artist made that image I should use for the OP of a thread but she says not to worry just use this image as she shows me a weird bathroom image, and says "that'll stop the spammers" in a spiteful sarcastic tone. Then she pulls me off into a neighbouring bathroom and says "alright, I gave you a blowjob so now I'm going to do two other guys" as she looks over the guys in the other bathroom in front of me. I'm thinking maybe just look away and it wont be too terrible(yeah, right), but after a few seconds I can't take it and say "Stop it! I just want a normal love!" then think normal is a stupid word so I say "a normal, uncursed love!" Then she vanishes from that spot and I hear her voice from across the room "he thinks he deserves me, he's a super turd" as all the guys in the bathrooms' heads transform into that glitched out image from before.

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