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>> No.14986455 [View]
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Chapter Seven : Bad Girls House

"Uu, cashtraching you eajy !" you yell as you plunge towards Marisa, all fangs bared.
"YUGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !" Marisa screams in agony as you bite her penipeni off.
While Weimyu stares in awe, you chew on the erect, juicy portion of manju. The taste of shit is immediatly washed away by the sweetness of yukkuri flesh.
"Munch-munching you eajy ~" you say, smiling brightly, as you keep on chewing on the severed organ.
Marisa, blinded by pain, is rolling around, screaming while small amounts of beanpaste seep from the open wound, smearing the yukkurium floor.
"Bawiza'z... ! Bawiza'z brecious benibeni !" it yells, crying.
But it's already too late : you swallow the thing whole, letting out the cutest burp ever, followed by a joyful "Uu !".
Weimyu now fully understands the situation : seeing how weak Marisa seems to be, she quickly frowns.
"Yu ! Uneasy buwwying Mawicha should dwop dead eajy !" she says as she bumps into the crying Marisa with all of her strength.
Marisa barely notices it, and keeps on rolling, bleeding and yelling.
"Gibe id bag ! Bawiza wandz jildren ! Bawiza wandz do wefwej no zeeee!"
Rught now, marisa is so weak, so unable to counterattack, that your predator instincts take over : the penipeni is not enough. That Marisa could feed you for days if you killed her right now ! It's time to strike before she gets up and counterattacks !
"Eaching you whole eajy !" you announce as you advance once more towards Marisa, smiling.

But the sound of a door opening outside the yukkurium interrupts you.
"What the hell is this ruckus ?" Mister asks as he enters.
He gazes upon the scene.
And he laughs.
"Castrated ?"
He laughs at the crying yukkuri, still rolling on the ground in agony.
"Isn't that hilarious ? Castrated by a baby Remilia ?"
He firmly grabs Marisa by her back and lifts her in the air.
"Vlying in dhe..."
"Shut up." he says as he holds the wounded creature in front of his face.
"You call yourself a warden ? You worthless piece of shit."
"Bweaze Bisder ! Budish dad ebil Webiwia ! She toog bawiza's gude benibeni !"
"It's a baby, and it ate your dong. How can you even think you deserve any kind of justice ?"
"Bud, Bisder ... !"
Marisa's plea is cut short as she is violently slammed on the yukkurium's floor by Mister, losing her hat. With one hand, the young man pressed her now bleeding face against the ground. You and weimyu, and all the yukkuris in Bad Girls House, stare in silence. Marisa was easily the strongest yukkuri you ever met, but she was merely a plaything for Mister : to you, it was like witnessing the power of a god.
"Bawiza'z... bisder had..." she muttered, barely managing to speak with her mouth pressed against the floor.
"You're being sold, Marisa. But now you can't reproduce, I can't sell you as a breeder, and without any sex drive, you won't have the character needed to keep little shits in line anymore. So what do I do, hm ?"
He was smiling, enjoying this position of absolute power.
"What do I do ?" he repeated.
"Bisder... Bawiza... iz zowwy..."
"Oh, I know ! You're going to be abyuse material ! Big and strong as you are, you'll last long enough for things to be fun !"
As he ended his sentence, he lifted the now hatless Marisa in the air, and dropped it in Starter House, a few steps away. He then took a sparing bottle from a shelf, and sprayed Marisa with a translucid liquid.
"It's sugar water, for the wound. Enjoy it, it's the last thing you ever get from me."
At this point, Marisa was simply sobbing, and too far way for you to hear anything.

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