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>> No.6192024 [View]
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Ran didn't bat an eyelid and continued to work on her pussy even as Chen convulsed and rich tasting fluids shot out all over her face and filled the inside of her mouth. Ran greedily lapped them up, drinking the sweet ambrosia like a mouthwatering dessert after dinner. Chen arched her body up as the sexual energy washed over her, her mind turning giddy. She had never felt pleasure like this before, the build up to the point of breaking and then the sudden, powerful release. It was all too much for her. She gave out one more shriek before her intense orgasm started to fade and she collapsed in exhaustion.

Ran took in short, quick breaths, licking her hands clean of any love juices still present. She stood up tall, recalling the delightful look on Chen's face as she reached orgasm, her first one, and from her masters embrace. First...
The word hug in Ran's mind. She wanted to be Chen's first in everything, the motherly instinct to help, to not let anyone else dirty her precious Chen. If she did it, it would be wonderful and pure, for the both of them.
Chen looked like her mind was far away, her eyes glazed over. Chen's sweet voice could be heard as the air passed between her lips. A musky scent permeated everywhere, the smell of sex hung thick in the air. Her ears flickered while her tails moped around lazily behind her. The feelings that had rocked her so violently only a moment before still played out in her mind.

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