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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.25758038 [View]
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, camomi leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camomi explained it like this: Before VApArt was started (start of 2018), Camomi was approached by Nanashi to start a group of individual "creators". However, Nanashi's meaning of creator was different from Camomi's. For Camomi, it meant artistic creators (whether it be drawing or music like in Kanon's case). For Nanashi, it meant content creator in general, hence why the recent additions to the group (Wat and Met) are mainly game focused. She first realized this distinction when the group started with Uge and felt a bit tricked by it but decided to continue on. While she still had fun in VApArt/774 inc. she was never able to shake off this feeling and over time it grew stronger and kept eating at her. After all, she joined the group because she wanted to do artistic things that she couldn't do by herself with other people with artistic interests. Also, several times in the past, she had talked to Nanashi about wanting to leave 774 inc. but had postponed it for one reason or another, so leaving the group today wasn't a sudden decision. She mentioned that she talked to Nanashi in May (around Golden Week) as well as recently (but Minecraft happened so she stuck around).

Because of the aforementioned, she felt somewhat restricted and cornered due to the work environment. She felt that there were things that she wanted to do but couldn't because it would trouble other group members. She started to think more negatively and couldn't muster the effort to work hard. She wanted to free herself from this negativity and ultimately decided to leave.

In regards to content, she won't be taking down any videos during her stay at VApArt, so it'll all still be there. Her MMD model will be taken down from the 774 inc. website in a month or so.

Also, remember a while back she said that she left her room for the first time in 7 or so months? Well she also said that she has never actually met Nanashi face-to-face. She is an incredibly introverted and awkward person but I still love her, or perhaps moreso because of it.

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