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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.18853751 [View]
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Conspiracy theory: Cyocyo was inactive in Aigis because Dev Tea has been keeping him to draw the newest batch of Imperials, we're going to get an entire gacha's worth of his girls soon. They will also release Heavy Armor and Bandit AW2s at the same time, restore the UI to its former version, give everyone a third black ticket in apology, make all daily maps and majin challenges available at all times, and implement a special "Substitute Fairy Duplica" unit that is gifted regularly and can replace CC silvers of any class for AW/AW2.

Wishful thinking aside, looking forward to his schoolgirl Rindou this Sunday, as well as Makirin's newest "the same units I did for Aigis, but they're drawn with 20 times more love and care because they're in lingerie this time" book. There's even a Lapis/Lucia book out, maybe I should've paid more attention to this year's Break More, Prince.

Well, Aigis is dying after all. They're obviously trying to kill it faster so that they can announce their amazing new title, Aigis 2: Ten-thousand Year War.

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