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>> No.44891520 [View]
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Autumn trees blanketed the landscape with a crimson paint. The Netherworld was beautiful no matter the season and this year would be no different. Konpaku Youmu spent another afternoon sweeping up leaves fallen from the great cherry blossom tree towering over the rest of Hakugyokurou. She never complained, only wished the Saigyou Ayakashi was a little smaller and gave her thanks that the tree never produced blossoms to sweep up. There was only so many hours in the day after all, and she still needed several to prepare dinner for her Mistress.

"Youmu~~ I decided I want roast chicken and gyoza for dinner. Oh and a duck too!" a softspoken voice called from within the manor.

Youmu winced. She already went shopping this morning and planned to make katsudon with soba, miso, and a platter of rainbow nigiri on the side. "Understood Yuyuko-sama!" she hollered back. Dang it. This meant going back to the Village. Normally not such a bad thing as it gets her out of the Netherworld and clear her head, but even that's been a headache.

Her pastime of shopping to clear her head has become troubling as of late. All due to this big new building labeled "The Hakurei Shrine Experience" planted smack dab in the middle of her route through the gate and to the market. At first she thought the Hakurei Shrine made a branch location right in the village, but those thoughts were dismissed as Reimu couldn't possibly afford a building like that. Yet the mystery only grew as soon as she noticed the clientele: a high number of Youkai compared to the Humans, all female too. Youmu would've entered out of curiosity were it not for the shifty—and lurid—looks on their faces… and the unnerving stench of magic clinging to every corner giving the building a slight feeling of wrongness.

Doing what she did best, Youmu pushed it out of her mind and ignored it. Or she tried to. It felt like this "Hakurei Shrine Experience" kept shoving itself in wherever, and whenever it pleased. Just last week or so she was shopping for the day's meals and saw Reimu. That was a rare sight in of itself these days, but she was slamming on the door shouting all sorts of profanities, only a moment later to be pacified and shooed off by the friend of her Mistress, Yakumo Yukari.

Youmu wasn't one to gossip, but she was curious whether her Mistress knew. She decided to broach the topic over dinner, but first was shopping. Again. Flying with great speed across Higan, The Sanzu, down the Road of Liminality, and finally to the Village, Youmu set down a ways in front of the gates. She gave only a brief nod to the guard before making haste to the market, hoping the stalls she needed haven't closed yet. Jeez, even in the evening that place is packed. She was determined to investigate… but only when she was done shopping.

Fortunately her favorite stall was still open and they had a duck left. Packing that away she stepped up to the imposing building, taking a whole minute to cool her nerves before entering. The number of patrons thinned out from before, but wow there were a lot Youkai. Mostly Tengu with a smattering of other species and beasts. Why would Yukari-sama brazenly open a business catering to them in the Village? And why are they all dressed up like Reimu? Did her outfit always show that much skin? Ah, the reception desk could help her.

She immediately recognized the familiar fox-spirit of her Mistress' friend. "Ran-san?" Youmu called out. From across the room she didn't quite look her normal self. Eyes glazed over blankly staring into space. Ran snapped to attention and panned over to the petite swordswoman calling her. Youmu approached and noted the surprise on her face, followed by confusion, then settling into her usual poker face.

"Um… can you tell me what this place is?" Youmu asked and hushed to a whisper, "and why is there so many Youkai?"

An uncomfortable silence followed. Finally, the shikigami replied in a stilted intonation. "This 'establishment' strives to be the 'most relaxing place' in Gensokyo. The Proprietress Yakumo Yukari-sama does not discriminate and has graciously extended her hand out to all of Gensokyo's residents to ease their stresses with the Shrine Husband of Paradise who 'willfully and independently volunteered' to serve and relieve the ladies of Gensokyo. This pamphlet should answer the rest of your questions," Ran concluded her boilerplate recitation, her brow twitching a total of three times.


It was time for Youmu to leave. She had seen everything.

Muttering some jumbled excuse about 'cooking the Mistress for dinner' Youmu ran out of the building, bumping into several patrons on the way out. She continued running until halfway down the street to stop and calm herself. She was not ready for something like this and was only left with more questions. While putting her thoughts together a blue and white blur streaked past her. "Running Shanghai… Eh?"

At least she's not the only one who made a mistake there today.

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