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>> No.46111057 [View]
File: 97 KB, 518x700, __shameimaru_aya_inubashiri_momiji_and_himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_eichi_yuu__52f0ee9fe1637cb72de19fb800839e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Part 6)
“Mr. Hakurei! What do you think you’re doing outside of class?!” Standing as tall as she could, Suika’s smile never left her face as she asked Anon a question that could get him thrown in detention.

“I think I should ask you the same thing! You’re out of dress code and wandering the halls, just as fireworks fill up the class!” It was all bluff, but it was all he had to go with.

Suika’s only grinned wider. “Well, as headmistress of the HGE, shouldn’t I be enforcing discipline and investigating classrooms filled with smoke?” Not a hint of smugness tainted the joy her face: It was all fun and games for her.

“I apologize, Suika-er, Sensei! I just assumed Yukari would be the one overseeing today’s operation.” It did raise a good question: If Suika was the headmistress, where was Yukari?

“Well, Yukarin isn’t in charge right now, so it’s up to me to decide your punishment. Since your classroom is full of hooligans and ne’er do-wells, I think I’ll let you off with a warning. Walk with me, Hakurei!” Marching like a drill instructor, Suika led Anon down to the first floor. Honestly, an hour with Suika beat a dull lesson any day.

Near the entrance, he could hear Mima arguing with Sakuya: “What kind of shenanigans are you trying to pull here?! Anyone can use magic, so why is mine prohibited?”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but you listed yourself as a ‘Goddess of Magic’. This necessitates prohibiting your magical abilities, as it uniquely identifies you on the roster. In addition, you tried to destroy the Hakurei Gakkou Daytime Center, where Lady Flandre currently resides. I cannot approve the use of your powers, by rule or by good conscience.” Mima still wasn’t satisfied with the answer, arguing back and forth while Marisa stood by the window.

“See, Anon? That’s where you’ll end up if you don’t follow the rules: Arguing fruitlessly against someone who really doesn’t care about your personal problems.” Continuing on their journey, Anon noticed a door with a paper sign taped on labeled ‘BETTING ROOM’.

“Is gambling allowed on campus?”

“Oh, right. I probably should’ve taken that down. Eh, you already saw it. It’s just a place for people who don’t want to interact with the school environment to place bets on what they think will happen. I hear Jo’on went all in on Ran—poor girl refuses to leave the room.” A flash of inspiration struck the little oni. “That’s lesson two! Never bet on something unless you’re 100% certain you’ll win!”

“Suika, that’s terrible advice. Not just for a student, but in general. And where are we even going?”

“Oh, you’re coming with me to my office. There’s some high proof whisky on the top shelf I can’t reach. If you get it for me, I’ll let you stay for the rest of the period. I’ll even let you have a sip! How’s that for a cool principal?” Suika’s eyes were gleaming too brightly for Anon to refuse her. So, the student helped his principal get drunk in exchange for cutting class.
“Gahahahahahahaha! Did you see her smack into the desk? Oh boy, and when Tewi knocked over the bookshelf—serves that froggy bitch right!” Seija was having the time of her life while Goro tried desperately to find an empty room or closet to hide in. There were no janitors in the HGE, so Yukari skimped out big time. He went over the building schematics dozens of times, but for the life of him couldn’t find an abandoned area. Too many people were busy exploring an academy from the Outside.

“You have to quiet down! The headmistress already took Anon, so the only monitors we’ll run into are from the Disciplinary Committee.” It was easy enough to turn Tewi and Sanae against each other, the only issue was getting Anon out. The rockets were a last resort. Once Eiki heard, he wouldn’t be getting off easy…

“Ah, would you lighten up already? We just blew up a classroom and got away with it! Plus we scored something sweet for our thankless efforts.” Tearing open a neatly wrapped bag, Seija took a bite of Sanae’s cookies. “Not enough sugar. What, is she afraid Anon’s diabetic?” Next up was one of Tewi’s. “Eh, maybe she’s got it right. This thing’s got enough sugar to put him in coma.”

A snap interrupted the two troublemakers’ escape and their snack. Turning towards the noise, three tengu stood across the hall from them.

“Stealing, reckless endangerment, disrupting public order, skipping class; Just wait until Eiki sees all of this~” Aya played with the straps on her camera, taunting the amanojaku.

“We can’t let them—“

“GET BACK HERE YOU BIRDY BITCH!” Before Goro could warn her not to draw attention to herself, Seija ran straight after the tengu. Remembering the Discipline Committee’s office was on the third floor, Goro went for the stairs. Even if it meant facing three tengu at once, he had to cut them off.

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