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>> No.45698956 [View]
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Slowly, I replied by saying that I did. I wasn't sure if I truly did, but I also didn't much want to try and work through any more complex feelings tonight. "Thank you." Remilia said as she rose to her feet. "Of course, I will kill you if you reveal that I just did that to anyone else. Spell Card Rules be damned. My charisma and reputation is at stake." I'd do my best to keep it a secret, I muttered. "Shall we return? I'd wager that Sakuya is getting rather worried, and I imagine that Reimu is too." I nodded. "I'll wait outside. It would be good if we returned together." She turned and left, heading a ways down the veranda.

I turned to Yamame, who pulled me into a tight hug and gave me a tender kiss. "Are you okay?" She whispered. I wasn't really sure. I'd expected...I didn't know. Something more? "Maybe it's better that it was like this, though. Seems like much less strife. Do you want to talk about it?" Later, I murmured. I thought that I probably needed something to drink. This was supposed to be a party, after all. "Alright." She whispered. "Later." And with another hug, we re-joined Remilia and headed back to the party.

It felt like we'd been gone for a while, but It seemed like it hadn't been that long at all. There were more people around, some of whom I recognized from the village, and some that I didn't. "I expect that It's going to be a fun night." Remilia said cheerfully, returning to the blanket that we'd been sitting on before. "Isn't that right, Sakuya?" Remilia turned to her maid, then stopped and stared. "Er..." She blinked twice. "Sakuya...?"

Reimu had backed away slightly. "I told you she thinks she has to do whatever Remilia tells her." She muttered to me. In front of me, Sakuya Izayoi had a bottle. A full bottle, one of those Outside World ones that had ended up at the Shrine thanks to what I assumed was probably Hearn's presence. The bottle was rapidly becoming less than full, because she had held it by the neck and was currently upending the whole thing into her mouth. Still, she seemed to be handing it quite well, because she hadn't coughed or choked, even though I knew that the Outside World alcohol was far stronger than what we usually had in the valley. At least, I thought that until I noticed the two other empty bottles next to her. She drained the bottle, gasped for air, then hiccupped.

"Feeling better?" Reimu asked her sarcastically. "Can you understand what I'm saying at all? Can you even hear me?" Frowning, I asked Reimu if it was even possible to survive drinking that much alcohol at once. "Er...I can't say I've ever seen someone do three bottles of Outside World stuff like that. She might die for all I know."

"She - What!?" Remilia suddenly exclaimed. "Sakuya, are you - Are you okay?" She seemed a little frantic. "You can't die from drinking too much! It's so - So uncool!" She pulled the empty bottle from Sakuya's hand, then started fussing over the maid. "Reimu, what if she passes out!? Can we take her to Eientei or-?"

"Mistress, I did what you told me." Sakuya suddenly said, looking confused. "Why are you upset?" Her eyes were starting to look a little hazy, and I had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before the alcohol really hit her. "Did you want me to drink more?"

"No, no, that's fine..." Remilia sighed. "I didn't expect you to actually do it..." She shook her head. "Reimu, can we, um, do something about this?" I blinked, then reminded Reimu of the time Marisa had been in a similarly poor state. "Huh? What does - Wait, Reimu, where are you - No, don't drag her..." Reimu had nodded, then gotten up, grabbed Sakuya by the arm, and begun dragging her around a corner.

"Alcohol's not going out of the system fast though. She'll be madly drunk for the rest of the night." Reimu told me as she dragged Sakuya along. "So, er, don't upset her or she might stop time and do something weird." I'd try my best, I replied tentatively.

It was seeming to me like it was going to be an exhausting night, too.

>> No.45621790 [View]
File: 248 KB, 833x1080, 5d9ab9c288059b5df10b35eb5fd43f8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you know it may have been a classic boy meets girl story. Who's the boy and who's the girl, both biologically, and by roles, is up to you to figure out.
But that's a rather lewd take!

>> No.34307111 [View]
File: 248 KB, 833x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32892209 [View]
File: 248 KB, 833x1080, IMG_8769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20729871 [View]
File: 248 KB, 833x1080, __izayoi_sakuya_touhou_drawn_by_koyubi_littlefinger1988__5d9ab9c288059b5df10b35eb5fd43f8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way he draws forearms is fucking hot

>> No.17387161 [View]
File: 276 KB, 833x1080, 2hu sakuya drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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