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>> No.46519878 [View]
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Believe it or not, the Makai girls and Mugenkan residents all have their own way of expressing their anger in multiplayer. Shall we go over it?
Sariel stays rather composed, however, she is not going to let go of those who failed her so easily. She writes entire paragraphs worth of mistakes that her allies made throughout the game, with an almost Yama-esque lecture feel to it, combined with a touch of holiness. It's not quite as rude, or filled with slurs as some of her sisters, but it manages to be quite persuasive nonetheless.

Elis, Genge, and Yuki essentially have the same hot blooded reaction, but what they make of it differs from one another.
Yuki has no ill will towards anyone, and she's a bit submissive to others, not just Mai. So she targets her anger towards her surroundings, be it the teddy bear, the keyboard, the controller, the monitor. When her tantrum inevitably results in one of these items being partially destroyed, she goes on to cry, feel bad and sorry, which usually comes to Shinki's ears who just sighs and magically repairs everything, or Mai who's watching from the doorhole and laughs to herself before maybe coming to the room to get hugged by Yuki and get good girl points that she may use to further manipulate Yuki/appear nicer to Shinki.
Elis is a little immature so her banter game after the loss of a game is quite laughable, but she's insistent and full of stamina, so she may end up being quite obnoxious at the end of the day. Despite her immaturity, it rarely expresses itself on the material she uses to game or her surroundings, as opposed to Yuki.
Gengetsu... is the worst of both worlds, and amplified to eleven. Gengetsu spontaneously manages to type paragraphs so full of racial slurs you'd be hard pressed to find a place where she wouldn't get banned. It doesn't matter who you are: Human, Demon, Makainese, Youkai, God. You will not be spared from Genge's harsh words. The only ones suffering more than those on the receiving of Genge's relentless insults are Genge's surroundings. She's gonna blast everything and create a ruckus for sure. It's almost certain that one of her laser blasts is gonna hit Muge's tea cup set she was preparing as she was playing pretend maid, and while the cold blooded fake maid doesnt look like, she's got some fight in her. You better hope you don't come to the dream world around that time, because you're almost surely gonna end up fried by some immensely powerful danmaku. At least this in fighting's got one use: It gets Mugetsu a few skeletons she can use to play pretend tea time with, whenever an unlucky Anon just so happens to take Genge's laser straight to the face. Speaking of Muge, if you were wondering how she'd react, she hardly games, or rather, it's all cutesy single player games.
Mai... is an insidious one. On a good day? Oh, she might just leave the game, and come back a day later to your DMs, just leaving a message with your IP on it, and be done with it. If she didn't get her daily dose of Yuki crying? I'm afraid you're going to be her next victim. Mai may not be a master of video games, but she's become quite the skilled fake screenshot artist. She's got everything prepared: A dozen secondary accounts with credible enough posting history to look like real people? Check. Decent enough knowledge on how to look up her faulty opponent/allies' info? Check. Get ready to get cancelled by a sweet, innocent sounding girl. The sounds of your breakdown are Mai's sweetest melody. If faking a screenshot doesnt work, she might try and bait you into saying anything worth being put on the Makainet that could potentially ruin your life. Be happy that she's not that Internet savvy. If you encounter her ingame, BLOCK HER.

Sara is a little too busy to game, but whenever she does, she's not very good at it. She's doesn't entertain it for too long as the losing streak gets to her and she just turns off the console, with a sad, defeated look, knowing she's the only one to blame.
Louise, Yumeko and Shinki are too busy to game, but they might watch one of their sisters every now and then. All 3 used to do that with Alice, and have fond memories of it (or at least Louise & Shinki do, no idea what Yumeko thinks). On occasion, Yumeko might be put on the task of monitoring the hours for some of the girls below her, and she does it as robotically as you may think: You won't get even so much as a second more of gaming with her, unless Shinki succumbs to Yuki's wishes or Mai's tricks. Shinki's attempting to be a little more strict with her daughters in hopes that they go outside and get a boyfriend, but she's a little clueless.

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