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>> No.37636173 [View]
File: 885 KB, 805x945, the absolute state of bong carriers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will give them a grim reminder.

>> No.36791161 [View]
File: 885 KB, 805x945, the absolute state of bong carriers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kai'd my Vicky and these slots are still hilarious.

>> No.36369189 [View]
File: 885 KB, 805x945, the absolute state of bong carriers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>36295044

[New to the Game? Read first, Ask later]

EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF
C2 STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/C2_STAFF

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png
Destroyer gun bonus: https://i.imgur.com/K7PxY6z.png
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/AMwZvY8.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

Quest tracking tool (needs updating): https://www.kahr-noss.com/OoyodoQuestTracker.html

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/gre4bee/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN): https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

-The Summer 2021 Event is underway. It is a small-scale Mediterranean vacation. The Extra Operation, "Operation Pedestal", has been implemented. There are 4 tags and 2 quests associated with E-3.
-New ships include the Japanese submarine tender Chougei (E-1 drop) and the Italian battleship Conte di Cavour (E-2 reward). The armored carrier Victorious is the E-3 reward.
-New equipment implemented is the 65mm/64 Single Rapid Fire Gun Mount Kai, the 305mm/46 Twin and Triple Gun Mounts, the 320mm/44 Twin and Triple Gun Mounts, and the SM.79 and SM.79 bis land-based bombers.
-Souya is available as a drop in E-1 for those who failed to get her.
-Kongou-Hiei Kai-IIC special attack can now trigger with Echelon and 2nd Cruising Formation.
-The July ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment is the Corsair Mk.II, Daihatsu (Panzer II/North Africa Spec), and the Prototype Jinpuu.
-UI Changes! The composition UI now allows to show tagged/untagged only or all ships. Tagged are orange, Untagged are Green, and All are gray.
-As of the Feb 28, 2020 maintenance, due to the ongoing DDoS attacks, measures have been taken that requires players from certain countries to use a Japanese IP address to connect to the Login servers. After getting to the start screen it's possible to disconnect from the VPN and continue playing without it. If you still encounter connection issues try clearing your cache and changing your time zone to JST. These countermeasures are temporary as of right now. EN EO now bypasses the block. Another possible workaround is using https://github.com/Tibowl/KCCacheProxy
-The following ships will receive another remodel at some point in the future:
-->Kai-II: Mikuma, multiple Type A DDs
-->Kai-II side remodel: The rest of the Kongou-class; Shigure (could be Kai-III)

>> No.36365344 [View]
File: 885 KB, 805x945, the absolute state of bong carriers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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