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>> No.46545316 [View]
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“But the advertisements said you’re still serving this package” The first thing I saw coming out of the doors was a group of annoyed youkai crowded around the front counter. They were a diverse group, different tails and ears poking out from their clothing. One of them was holding a flyer in front of Ran, pointing at a line on it.

“I understand your disappointment , dear guests. But that advertisement is outdated. That was a special package, and we are no longer offering Virgin Sacrifice: Do as you wish to him” Ran seemed to spit those words out with some spite “Please understand. We could see what else appeal to you if you look through what we offer” Ran pointed up to the board behind her.

“But we already made a reservation for this, You’re telling me between now and then you stopped offering it? We all paid for it, so you should at least try to get us what we paid for” The leader among them insisted.

Ran closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. As someone who sometimes had to face annoying customers, I felt some pity for her in this moment. Opening her eyes, she saw me and turned her head. “Ah? If you have the receipts for us, then you could just go to the records room and deposit it there. They’ll let you through, just mention I sent you if they give you any trouble. Now, there are a few similar experiences I’m sure you would enjoy, and I could throw in some extra services as well to make up for our mistake” With just a wave towards one of the Employee Only doors, she turned back to the frustrated group of customers.

This was it. No turning back now, I stepped towards the door and pushed it open. The hallways here were as plain as ever, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Like hallway seemed to stretch on for too long. It was too big for this building. Even knowing there was strong magic behind this place, it still made me feel strange. My heart started to beat faster. I had my excuse for being here, but now all I had to do was steal from it. I could just drop off my receipts, turn back to the others and tell them it was too difficult. It wouldn’t be a lie.

But I couldn’t do that. This wasn’t about me. This was about all those who were hurt by Yukaris’ scheming are were ready to put their lives on the line to stop it. It was so I could look my children in the eye and tell them I made the right choices, that I could ensure a better future. A parent is someone who sacrifices for their children, after all. No matter how much it hurts you, or how much they might not understand you at the time, once your child is born into this world you have a duty to look after them. If Anon could spend years baring blows and insults to support Hana, I could spend a day putting my neck on the line.

So I took a step forward, Then another, and one after that. Each step bringing me deeper into the bowels of this place. I had no plan in mind, or even an idea what I was looking for. All I knew is that there were only two ways this day could end. Victory or death. I’m weak. There’s no denying that. My interest in danmaku fizzed out when I realized I couldn’t handle the years of training my mgaciail abilities and remaining calm under intense pressure. My power as much use as I had gotten out of it, wouldn’t be of any use in a fight. But letting your weakness control you, to be satisfied in it is disgusting. Isn’t that right Mystia? All those weak youkai, hated by humanity, forgotten ans mistreated by stronger youkai had nearly transformed the village in the short time they had banded together under Keine. If they could do that, then weak old Kosuzu could do something as well, right? Despite trying to reassure myself, my heart still ached.

The door to the archives loomed before me. Here it was. What sort of secrets would this place hold? Relaxing and letting my other sense work, I could feel it. I might not know how to summon an elemental, or how to fire off homing danmaku but I knew the energy of a youma book. These were more then financial records and old flyers. There were things in here radiating powerful energy. So powerful that it could only meant there were things written by Yukari’s own hand was here. I had no idea of telling what they were, or how many were stored here. But there was only one way to find out.

I opened the door and what I saw shocked me.

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