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>> No.44984612 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 149 KB, 850x1133, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_ycabcadc__sample-186b1f4a84ca7c5fb6435266e495c2ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who had found Yamawaro and I? Were they a spy? A bruiser? A Tengu mountain guard? More importantly: had they decided to follow her or me when we split? I, Goro the Deal Broker, pushed these questions out of my mind and continue to bolt down the Tengu Mountain, zigging and zagging through the forest as my loyal hound followed.
Escape in a chase was all about lead time and tact. The larger the lead, the more moves you had, the greater your tact, the better and faster decisions you could make.
So, when I couldn’t see beyond a cliff in front of me, I took a mental picture. Running to either side could burn precious lead time, but my hound stocky body won’t be able to handle a fall and I don’t know what’s beyond it.
I jump, see a ditch, stretch out my legs, bend my knees at the point of impact and roll. A perfect landing, but do I hide in the ditch?
No, the pursuer could’ve seen me jump, I waste no time in moving and hear my hound bay to the side.
“HOOOOUURR” Fantastic, he didn’t jump and was going in another direction. We could meet later when I lost the pursuer.
Suddenly the tree line changes, the ground shifted, and my foot finds purchase early. I’ve been turned in a different direction. No matter, I can feel the cold wind from a similar direction, I just need to follow that to safety.
In another few steps I’ve switched again, then again, and again. I was losing lead time adjusting to this phenomenon! It was time to play a different game, I run in the same direction, another switch occurs but I don’t change course, counting one, two three, switch, four five, quickly I make a quarter pivot in my direction away from the mountain. One, switch, two, three, four, five, I make another pivot and at the same time another switch occurs.
This pattern repeats as I leap over foliage, slide between trees, and grapple over rocks, each time the switch comes a little later, I was throwing them off. If I just kept up this rhythm I’d be out of their range and if they’re the desperate type, I’ll know exactly when I’m home free because the switching will stop!
These hopeful thoughts propel me until a blue and black blur rips besides me, effortless shredding a branch in front of me and sending me aside.
I cursed. That was a warning shot, and I had a pretty good idea on who it was. The leader of the Tengu: Megumu Lizunamaru, why was she here? Yamawaro said they wouldn’t be a problem today! Did she sell me out? And I don’t believe Tengu have any abilities that flipped people like that, was she working with someone?
No, thinking’s useless here. fact is, I’ve been caught, and they want me alive. Negotiations had begun.
“I’m giving up!” I raise up my hands and walk to a clearing. “Come out Megumu-san, I’d like to speak with you.”
“Oh? You thought you were being chased by that bag of farts?” I hear a cackle behind me.
Turning around I see her, Seija the amanojaku, a nefarious criminal even among Youkai. She hates what others love and loves what others hate and she was wearing, a blue and black miko uniform from the HSE?
At least externally, underneath was some form fitting black garment that covered up what would be exposed by the scandalous parody of an outfit. Damn, I should’ve been able to tell the difference, Megumu-san would send someone else to do her work, but I suppose this was a blessing since Seija doesn’t seem to care about Tengu property rights.
“Ah, Seija-kun if I knew you were chasing me, I’d have stopped in a heartbeat! You’ll have to forgive me, your old ware was much more distinctive, if you don’t mind me saying.” I speak.
She smiles, saunters over to me, and gives me a right hook across the face.
It felt warm at first in contrast to the cold weather. A low throbbing pain let me know my face would be looking as purple as an eggplant tomorrow.
“Stop in a heartbeat? Why’d you stop in the first place? I was enjoying myself asshole.” Seija remarks.
I recover my posture, rub my braised cheek, and give her a right hook on her face. Her neck bends just a teensy bit and her cheek slides against my fist, but I would still have one eggplant more than her tomorrow morning.
“Ah ha ha.” She cackles as I recede my first. “Well, it’s good you understand.” She pats my shoulder in appreciation.
That whole speech about fleeing? Same principle with negotiation. Lead time, tact was just as important here, plus a healthy amount of worldly knowledge. Oni, for example, did not find it endearing when the welcoming blows were not returned.
“So why is the terrible Seija-kun chasing me down a mountain and wearing a miko outfit?” I ask.

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