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>> No.13055210 [View]
File: 236 KB, 468x315, Old Prospector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are the boundary of the uncharted wildernesses humans settlement #1 reporter/scout Anon!

>While exploring the uncharted wilderness you hear a story of a man who defied the various monster girls that attempted to rape/marry him and live his life on his terms.

>You proceed to search him out for pointers and tips on how to avoid monster girls.
>So the lads back home have a edge over those wretched creatures.

>it takes some time and a couple of close calls from monster girls you've interviewed but you finally have enough information compiled to get a generalisation of one of his many hangs outs

>While examining the banks of the creek you are currently wandering the ground suddenly gives and you fall into a trap pit

>Then you hear loud yucking and what sounds like pots and pans clanking together

"You'll never git Ol' Gus!"

>You hear above

>foot steps inch closer to the pit and a old prospector peers over

"Aww cinnamon and gravy, you okay down thar youngster? Been many a moon since I seen me another feller round these here parts"

>conforming that you are indeed alright he responds

"Now dont you fret Ol" Gus will git you outta that hole in two shakes of a lambs tail!"

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