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>> No.7933857 [View]
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It varies a lot both between the different types of oni and between individuals, but the deva are physically strong enough to knock the top off a mountain barehanded (although in practice only Suika is capable of actually doing it, since the others are too small to get a good grip).

>> No.7881298 [View]
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Depends if they are horns or antlers.

>> No.6857049 [View]
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... also puffier than Momiji.

>> No.5502177 [View]
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As always. Nonexistant.

>> No.5393505 [View]
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In terms of brute force, of course. Oni have theoretical upper limits while the Hulk is only limited by how angry he is at the time, and think it's safe to say an oni can make someone VERY angry if they want to.

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