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>> No.44539277 [View]
File: 27 KB, 350x373, Cockatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of higher priority girls like the cockatrice, winglet crow tengus, zombies, honeybees, werewolves, echidna and other very old profiles (the most obvious sign an update is necessary is the eyes).

>> No.41346072 [View]
File: 27 KB, 350x373, Cockatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maledom is always bad received here
Why is that? Plenty of monstergirls centre around Maledom.

>> No.33369295 [View]
File: 27 KB, 350x373, Cockatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another part of my set of fapfics. This one features a Cockatrice.
Cliah the Cockatrice ran as fast as she could to escape her pursuer, jumping over shrubs and weaving around trees in her retreat. Partway through a jump over a shrub, she felt something bind her legs and she fell face-first onto the ground. Looking behind, her, she saw that the shrub itself had reached out to grab her, having caught one leg and moving to bind another, she attempted to claw away the binds, but then a dark shadow loomed over her. She panicked and tried to crawl away, but the source of the shadow tackled her.

The source of the shadow pulled her lower clothes off and started undoing his pants. He shoved his face between her shoulderblades, breathing deeply of her enticing scent. “Ahhh, your smell is so sweet, it makes me want you so much.”

Cliah’s face was a mix of conflicting emotions. She felt a little fear and anxiety in anticipation of being taken so roughly but at the same time, the man’s grip made her feel strangely relaxed. “Don’t be so tense. It’s okay, I can take care of everything.” He started licking her earlobe, savoring her scent. Cliah, wiggled her hips, urging him to stop his teasing and properly claim her.

The man instead resumed his teasing, his erect cock rubbing against her clitoris and his hands pinching and twisting her nipples. His touch caused her to release moans and her face to blush bright red. “Oh aren’t you sensitive. I take making a girl feel good very seriously. I’ll make sure you enjoy this.” As he poked and teased her more, she released cute reactions. The combination of her reactions and musk made him more turned on then he had ever been before. He planted slow kisses on her back, sucking on a spot until marks appeared and then moving on to another.

It took some time, but he got bored of foreplay and decided to start fucking her. He inched his cock forward slowly until it was stopped by her hymen. He put a little more force into his movements and broke through. Cliah felt the sensation of something tearing asunder and looked to see the blood of her hymen mingle with her fluids where they were joined. “Oh my, you were a virgin, weren’t you? I just couldn’t help myself. You probably hate me now.” Cliah turned and shook her head at him, wiggling her hips to encourage him further.

“You’re one tough girl. It’s normal to be angry after something like this.” The man’s movements picked up pace, each time he lunged into her the surrounding area was filled with the sounds of liquids leaking out of her and the smack-smack-smack of meat on meat. Drool leaked out of the corner of her mouth with each moan. “Come on, seriously, you still don’t hate me for any of this?” Cliah shook her head again. “I don’t get you. Someone pushes you down and rapes you for your first time and you don’t mind? At this rate, I’ll take you as a familiar and fuck you every day, I mean it.”

The man couldn’t see her blush harder or smile happily at his comment, but he could feel her pussy tighten. In an impressive display of dexterity, Cliah shifted to her side, pulled her leg up, twisted so that she now faced him and then locked him in place with her arms and legs, all without accidentally forcing him out of her pussy.

“I’m about to cum, let me go!” he shouted but Cliah didn’t loosen her grip and shook her hips until the stimulation caused him to give her a creampie which brought her to her own orgasm. The man slumped forward in an orgasmic high.

A few seconds later, he had recovered from both his orgasm and he musk and started trying to separate from her, realizing that he had just raped a woman. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what…”

Cliah grabbed his face and forcibly kissed him, and with their gaze locked, her eyes flashed, petrifying his limbs so that he would not let go of her. “Please don’t apologize. I’m so happy that you wanted me.” Cliah shook her hips some more, urging him to continue fucking and he happily embraced her.

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