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>> No.42235931 [View]
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To those whom it may concern, Dendro's Pale Psalms V is finished now, next we'll be continuing with Day 3 of the war. I thought Kaidou's insane for adding another Pale Psalms during a major arc, but now I can see why he did that, the epilogue in particular gives too much major spoiler than the usual amount. Rascal's survival seems like an asspull but is acceptable for the Deus Ex Machina reveal, that was absolutely cool. Though then again, the Demonbane raid battle at the end in general is hella fun.
>Hugo got Figaro'd
Well, you're not wrong. It's not exactly an original idea in the first place yes. But how the character is portrayed in the story and how the story itself treats the character for their ideals still matters desu, of which Omori did a great job in fleshing them out, making Bell's naivete not as infuriating as Shirou's blind optimism even if at the core they're the same.
Be that as may, if you read Danmachi expecting anything other than soft seinen acts of heroism and innocent love, you're gonna be pretty disappointed because worldbuilding-wise everything other than dungeon-related content is pretty barebones.
Hellmode? I dropped that in favor of Mynoghra around vol 2.
Still can't stop thinking that Hellmode and Minmax TRPG got switched out somehow during their creation though. Really now, despite saying "hardest," the author weren't able to properly convey how hard the MC's life supposed to be because everything can be countered with his "hard work" aka exp farming (of which he can automate around ~10 wn chapters in), hereby disrespecting even its own premise. While TRPG on the other hand kept churning out endgame final bosses as mob characters, making Erich seem weak as comparison and his "efficient" farming virtually worthless since he can only rely on whatever he currently possesses, even though both the mobs and the reader themselves knows that he's actually busted as hell.

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