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>> No.44283307 [View]
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PRIDE: Rosa. She didn't leave Maria alone just to fuck a man. She didn't yell at Maria just because she has anger issues. She did all that because Maria's condition embarrasses her and she doesn't want to hire a babysitter who could go around telling everyone how autistic Maria is, or how Rosa is a bad mother that disappears for several days in a row. She has no choice but to leave Maria alone if she wants to date people like a normal person. And her angry outbursts are always triggered when Maria embarrasses her or doesn't act her age. It's all about her pride.

ENVY: Kyrie. She dedicated her whole life to a cheating bastard just because she was so envious of the woman that stole him from her, that she feels joy simply knowing she stole him back. She was envious of her sister's freedom and left the family to fuck her over, kind of the opposite of Shmion. She's also envious of Jessica because she gets to enjoy her youth while hers is already over, so she's especially cruel to her during the murder.

ANGER: Natsuhi. She's prideful, but her major flaw is that she takes out her anger on the servants and Jessica when she's stressed out over something. She pushed the servant and the baby in a fit of rage because she felt insulted by the baby's existence.

SLOTH: Rudolf. Sure, he's a womanizer, but that's not his real sin. He wants easy money because he doesn't like to work hard to earn things. He prefers taking advantage of people and scamming them for easy profit, even if it ruins their lives. He literally killed his whole family over money, not because he wants to greedily accumulate it, but because wants to spend his life in leisure without working hard. He even commited a sin against Battler and Asumu because he wanted the easy way out, he didn't want to take care of two households. He's lazy as fuck. He doesn't want to deal with consequences or work hard to earn things honestly, he always takes a shortcut.

GREED: Eva. She's prideful and a bitch, but most of all she's greedy and won't share the money after they find it, argued with Rosa in EP3 because she wanted to take the whole 10 tons for herself. All her hatred for Krauss is actually greed. She doesn't love her father or respect him as a person, she just wants the headship to get his inheritance.

>> No.33857131 [View]
File: 429 KB, 534x469, Screenshot_1863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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