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>> No.16556475 [View]
File: 233 KB, 830x611, cloud-atlas-halle-berry-tom-hanks-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus you're confined to your ethnicity
to some extent it's possible to change your ethnicity with make-up.
there are enough caucasian women trying to be latin.

however, blackface isn't socially acceptable at all, others are questionable to say the least.
see the whole cloud atlas controversy:
cloud atlas also should show the current limits of it.
>“‘The make-up isn’t convincing enough for these white men to pass as Asian,’ he continued, ‘but many Chinese people are trying to look white themselves, so the lines are blurred regarding what Asian people are supposed to look like.’”
don't think they used any masks and they prolly evaluated it. as did MythBusters: http://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/8410/is-this-mask-really-possible

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