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>> No.46666202 [View]
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>>46666192 77

That comment seems to incense Shinki again as she warns, “Be careful Mima, one moment you’re teaching your cute little apprentice magic and the next you’re learning they were hiding their cool motorcycle from you.”

Ehh Bodhisattva? That was news to her, she doesn’t remember-

Byakuren pulls her attention away from her thoughts by placing a hand over the Yamabiko’s mouth. Blushes even harder she says, “Ah, perhaps it is time to discuss the reason you’ve arrived.”

Schooling her expression, Mima nods. “I agree and as for the previous question miss Kasodani, yes assuming Miss Hijiri approves.”

This elicits another joyful exclamation from the Yamabiko, though it’s suppressed by Byakuren’s hand.

Likewise straightening out, Byakuren states. “As I understand it, you seek the worship of this temple to aid in your apotheosis, is this correct?”

Well, they clearly know she’s not currently a Goddess, so she simply nods. “Yes, that is correct.”

Byakuren continues, “And your aims as a Goddess are to serve as a protector of Gensokyo, a shepherd for the spiritually lost, and a teacher, correct? That’s about as much as I got from Shinki before the conversation devolved into… well you know.”

Shinki huffs, “You’ve still never gave a reason for why you didn’t tell me. I’d be far less annoyed if you had a good reason.”

As Byakuren looks away with a blush, Ichirin replies. “It’s because she’s embarrassed about it and thinks it makes her a worse Buddhist. It doesn’t, but what can you do?”

Murasa adds, “Yeah, has she been trying to act like a perfect Buddhist in her letters? I bet she just wanted to impress you.”

Before Byakuren could rebuke either of her rebellious disciples, she finds herself on the receiving end of a bear hug from Shinki. “Awww, you didn’t need to go that far Hijichan. No matter what you’re still my number one Buddhist disciple.”

As Byakuren blushes and attempts to squirm out of Shinki’s hug she protests, “I’m your only Buddhist disciple, right?”

Refusing to allow her to escape, Shinki squeezes tighter. “Ayup, you’re the only one because you’re my special little girl.”

Mima can hear snickering from Byakuren’s followers. Or well, Unzan, Ichirin, and Murasa. The Yamabiko on the other hand hugs her master from the other side proclaiming, “YEAH! Miss Hijiri is the best!”

It’s… very cute. It reminds her of…

Anyway, eventually Shinki releases her Pupil and allows her to attempt to regain some dignity. Still, straightening out her dress and suppressing the redness in her cheeks doesn’t quite restore what was lost during Shinki’s attack.

After another round of tea, Byakuren reapproches Mima. “A-As I was saying, I see no issues in your proposal, however, I believe there are a few missed opportunities in your pitch.”

Byakuren pauses for Mima to speak, but what is she even supposed to say? Wanting her to get to the point, Mima replies. “And those are?”

There’s a concerning gleam in Byakuren’s eye as she answers. “I feel you are ignoring your transformation. While there is nothing wrong with Mima the shepherd and Mima the guardian, what Gensokyo needs at this moment is Mima the arisen!”

There’s a certain flair in the way Byakuren said that last part and the way Ichirin and Murasa exchanged looks told Mima she was in for a Shinki-esque rant. “Think about it, a vengeful spirit who comes to understand the futility of the endless cycle of suffering she is both bound to and perpetuates. Unable to stand the suffering a moment longer, she stumbles in the dark towards the light. Though lacking in any formal teachings, her inherent benevolence drives her forward towards the noble Eightfold path, pure of any base desire for enlightenment. In doing so she also pulls all those around her up and champions the weak, battling against the cruel. Would such a goddess not serve as an inspiration for all residents of Gensokyo be they Youkai, human, or half-blooded? Such teachings I would argue are exactly what is needed to pull Gensokyo out of this confused time and bring about a more peaceful age!”

Byakuren is a little out of breath after that speech. Did she practice it or was that off the cuff? She supposes it doesn’t really matter.

The first to properly react is the Yamabiko who voices her support rather loudly, “YEAH! WOOO MIMA THE ARISEN!”

Sinki is the next, though she is a bit more subdued in her response (a strange thing to say when talking about her) and elects to just clap.

The other followers of the temple follow suit, giving Byakuren some polite claps.

As the commotion dies down and the eyes of the gather shift to Mima, she replies. “Yeah… ummm sure. That works.”

Byakuren smiles, “Then you have the faith of the Myouren Temple at your disposal.”

Off handily Mima adds, “By the way, where’s the idol of yours, Shou?”

Byakuren’s smile grows thin, “She’s… contemplating the sutras at the moment.”

The other followers of the temple shudder for some reason.

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