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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.11576480 [DELETED]  [View]
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Are you in crisis?

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at +1 (800) 273-8255.

>> No.11507433 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.10201963 [DELETED]  [View]
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Good morning, /jp/. Good morning to everybody...

>> No.10067224 [View]
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you make the best threads

>> No.9548163 [View]
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Why did someone so innocent have to endure so much suffering?

>> No.9530728 [View]
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It's important to dress appropriately when you go to your interview.

I had a custom shirt made before hand which was a tight white sleeveless shirt with a large image of Rika-chan printed on it.

>> No.9511827 [View]
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Good morning, /jp/. Good morning to everybody...

>> No.9466893 [View]
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The shower used to be my safe place. I would sit down, let the water hit me, and I would meditate. It was very calming.

Then one day I was about to sit down for my meditations and I saw a huge spider on the wall of the shower. I was so disturbed that I haven't been able to feel comfortable in the shower since.

Unfortunately I have not been able to meditate in a long time now and I feel unbalanced.

>> No.9373493 [View]
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Do you have any motivational words of encouragement or tips to help your friends on /jp/ improve their masturbation?

Get tough with it right from the beginning. Be real rough on it.
Start at the bottom and work your way up. Push nice and hard.
You know if your wrist is worn out then you're doing something right.
Real long and thick strokes. Go back and forth like a Z, push it up.
Sometimes you'll catch me making little sound effects while I go, that's real good, sometimes if you make a little sound effect while you go then it helps you remember and you can just go, "doo doo doo" and it pops right out.
Just play with it and suddenly things will just start happening for you. It'll keep getting bigger all the time.
You got to keep your confidence up, tell yourself that you're good.

It'll make you feel real good inside, this is the funnest way to do it.

>> No.9355126 [View]
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Is it true that Japanese women in remote rural areas of Japan are forced to eat their menstrual blood because they believe it purifies their spirits?

>> No.9227990 [View]
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When you are sad or upset does that make you want to do things that aren't very nice?

Do those bad feelings make you want to do bad things to other people? Do you ever feel like throwing things when you feel angry? I hope you don't because that's not very nice. Please try to be calm when you are upset.

>> No.9213880 [View]
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I haven't slept in three days and I feel wide awake.

>> No.9200444 [DELETED]  [View]
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m(_ _)m

I sincerely apologize for my behavior. I have been a kusoposter and I have defiled this board with my presence.

Sincerest apologies. I do not deserve forgiveness, but I shamefully ask for it anyway.

m(_ _)m

>> No.9080954 [View]
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How much time do you dedicate each day to self-improvement and what are your goals?

I spent two hours programming, two hours doing my Japanese reps, and two hours in tulpa meditation. These are my life goals.

>> No.8918032 [View]
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Have you ever thought about doing something crazy like gathering up all the money you have and running off in a random direction with no regard for whether or not you'll survive?

I was looking around on /trv/ and their lives seem so exciting. They don't care about anything, all they do is adventure.

>> No.8883863 [View]
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>The launch of Guardian Spirit comes less than a month after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its estimate of autism prevalence in the United States to one in 88 children (one in 54 boys and one in 252 girls).

>Autism affects more children than diabetes, AIDS, cancer, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy or Down syndrome combined. The new numbers, based on a 2008 snapshot of 14 monitoring sites, represent a 78 percent increase in autism over the previous five years. They represent 1,000 percent increase in reported prevalence over the past four decades.

>Steve Zabawa, president of the board of directors, became friends with Morris about five years ago and saw Morris's confidence blossom as he engaged in the virtual world.

>"His self-esteem increased dramatically," Zabawa said. "This is an opportunity to do good and bring people with autism further along throughout the world. Guardian Spirit has the potential to help autistics on a global scale right here in Billings. Nobody is using this type of training that we're aware of."

>> No.8818885 [DELETED]  [View]
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E-mail moot, fight together, obtain the miracle, and break through the barrier of shitty janitor

I encourage everyone here to email moot@4chan.org

>> No.8818657 [DELETED]  [View]
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Fight together, obtain the miracle, and break through the barrier of shitty janitor

>> No.8818578 [DELETED]  [View]
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Fight together, obtain the miracle, and break through the barrier of shitty jaintor

>> No.8818486 [DELETED]  [View]
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Summer camps build confidence, social skills in kids

>Summer is upon us once again and we need to find different activities to keep are children busy. One of the best ways to improve your child’s confidence, self-esteem, and social skills is having them attend summer camp.

>It’s a great experience for your child to attend summer camp because many children will have the opportunity to meet new friends. They will be busy with different activities throughout the day so it keeps their brains engaged and active. There has been statistics that prove if children are not engage in activities they can lose up to two months of material from the previous school year.

>One of the hardest lessons for children to learn is not doing well at something, but this is what builds character and lets them explore new things. Children will develop the “I can do attitude.”

Remember how you spend time in summer camp?

>> No.8649592 [View]
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I like the frist one, it connects the characters with the main plot , it's like JRPG but far better

the second one is typical WRPG, it just go find those comrade and fight the final boss, I bet I kill Blue Suns mercenaries more than those evil collectors

I still dont get why most people prefer ME2 than ME1

>> No.8234330 [DELETED]  [View]
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hey /jp/

Why don't we schedule a meetup to practice social skills?

>> No.8168284 [View]
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>waiting for bus
>wonder when it comes
>call bus to see
>27 minutes
>turn around, cute as fuck blonde chick checking me out
>pretend I didn't notice
>been at comic expo all day so it hurts standing, find spot to sit in the shelter
>only spot left is facing towards her
>she's obviously checking me out
>nervous as fuck, pull out 3DS and pretend I don't notice again.
>black guy suddenly comes rollin' in
>He's trying to hit on her
>She's still checking me out while I play my 3DS
>Black guy obviously is mad and walks away from the bus (guess he didn't actually wanna catch the bus)
>get call from dad
>walk out of bus shelter to wait for dad to pick me up
>She's still fucking staring at me

Why do I do these things?!

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