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>> No.45298286 [View]
File: 418 KB, 840x659, I love day 3 like you wouldn't believe, that fucking pandemonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally locked in Yoshimoto's route. I'm really enjoying his dynamic with Teppei so far. Yeah, for now it boils down to attack-counterattack-exchange insults-repeat, but he is such a positive influence on Teppei. I like seeing him so brash and unrestrained and so fed up with this shit.

Anyway I'm placing my bets on Yoshimoto being one of the more what you see is what you get routes. As for Miyase, my first impression is that he is rather dull. I sure hope he can back those threats up with real actions. But Teppei pls, you don't have to point out every other sentence how much the man mogs you. He tall, and huge, and muscular, and tall, wow wow wow.

>It flows well, it's raw and rather unpretentious but still shows off with some witty wordplay or unusual simile etc.
Exactly, I agree with every single word. There is something very appealing about the rawness of it especially. Fuchii for example has the edge, but her writing is too, I don't know how to put it, refined I guess, for the scenarios she is writing. How can you write so many fights to the death, but completely fail to get that pain and desperation and adrenaline rush across? It's truly a mystery. It's half the reason Towa's decadence is her best work on a protag yet, but routes like Rei or Madarame fall completely flat.

>As far as big works go, just their own stuff + pil/slash's Paradise and Dystopia no Ou I think.
Shame, I was hoping they had some non-VN writing too. Ah well, that's still plenty for me to play.

>Of course maybe they're just the type to read real crime stuff and lurid autobiographies.
I'm leaning towards this. Unless they are extremely good at hiding the heavy shit that inspired their writing, because this comes across as more them writing the niche they want to read but barely anyone caters to. It feels like this comes from pure enthusiasm. Or maybe I'm projecting.
>it's crazy how little they bother pandering to the romancewhales or sticking to conventions
Some of these could be deliberate sucker punches, though I think the game is pretty upfront about what you should expect. So probably just them pissing on conventions and having a giggle, rather than pissing on readers. Whichever it is, I love it.

>What did you have in mind for something to help future anons?
Nothing specific at the moment. A spoiler-free starter deck that covers the prologue/common route sounds like a no-brainer, something to drill for a few days before jumping in to help breezing through the first few hours. A less spoiler-fee deck with actual example screenshots could be another option, though that's more for post-reading practice. The most useful, I think, would be to pay attention to the parts that brickwall a reader's progress. Like slang, or pop culture shit, anything that requires extensive google'ing or like the other anon said digging through yahoo asks to make sense of. I'm not really considering writing up guides or anything, but we could collect these and put them in a doc with links and other resources to speed up the process for others. Basically let's just figure out what's most likely to trip anons up, and see if we can do anything about it. But I'm just spitballing here.

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