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>> No.43920744 [View]
File: 81 KB, 599x599, hongsit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was her halloween costume last year anon, that's a rubber mask.
Please do not insinuate that Hong is anything but a cheerful gatekeeper lady.

>> No.43581545 [View]
File: 81 KB, 599x599, hongsit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big booba older sister type

>> No.43575153 [View]
File: 81 KB, 599x599, hongsit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The long awaited continuation of Anon-kun's adventures! More (Probably) coming soon!

You've never quite seen someone sit to attention before, but somehow Meiling manages to pull it off.
Her braids go flying as she whips her head round to see who's addressing her.
Sky blue eyes look you up and down, and it takes a second for her to remember your face.


A wide and welcoming smile parts her face in two.
In spite of her previous unwakeable status, she seems totally lucid and aware of where she is.
There seems to be something different about her though, but you can't put your finger on it. Best not to say anything in case it's that she hasn't put any makeup on.
Does she even wear makeup? It'd be too rude to ask you think.

>"You didn't get eaten!"

>"Well, it's not like I've been anywhere. This is the first time I've left the house since I got there.

>"I thought I told you to come visit?"

Did she?
You think back to the first time you met.
Vaguely, you can recall something about a mansion on a lake.

>"Don't tell me you forgot!"

Meiling pouts at you, although one corner of her mouth is twitching a bit.
Seems she is trying her absolute best to hold in her smile.

>"Anon, it's rude to forget things like that! Don't you know how much I was looking forward to seeing you again?"

Her facade is cracking slightly.

>"Even Sakuya was looking forward to your visit, she bought new plates and everything! And oh what a fuss we had calming down Remi! She was heartbroken!"

She's managing to look genuinely distraught, maybe you read her mood wrong?
From what she's saying, you've really let them down...
Didn't Sakuya already buy new crockery? Wasn't that the whole point of her first meeting you?
She's just made all that up, hasn't she?

>"I can only apologize for my extreme tardiness."

She breaks.
Meiling rubs her knuckles (Somewhat painfully) into your head.

>"Awwww, you're a cute one! I suppose I can wait just a little while longer, but make sure to find someone to take you soon, okay? We've told Remi about you and she really is interested to meet you you know!"
>"I'd look silly if you died before she could see you!"

>"And of course sad that the diligent apprentice shopkeeper was brutally eaten alive I hope?"

>"... That too!"

You chuckle to yourself.
Not many people are as genuinely whole of heart as Meiling you think.
It's been a while since you came here, and you've learned to accept that on some level you're living on borrowed time.
Although getting eaten doesn't seem like all that common an occurrance, it's an everpresent danger, and any day a wild youkai could find you, and there's not much you can do about that.
The waitress lays two bowls of soup in front of you and Rinnosuke, along with two mugs of beer.
You'd forgotten that this was technically a work outing, but your boss was quite content speaking with the vividly red haired waitress.
They were talking too quickly for you to pick anything up though, and you silently cursed those builders of Babel.
Meiling puts a hand on your shoulder as you take a sip of your drink.

>"Really though. I'm sure Sakuya would be able to work something out with Kourin over there. Gensokyo is a really beautiful place, and you're missing out on something by not seeing any of it."
>"Don't worry about Remilia either, there are dozens of empty rooms on the third floor that are supposed to be for any guests. Remilia is the type to show off a little, and is probably dying to find someone she hasn't showed everything to yet"

You swill around the beer in your mouth.
Yukari was rather offended that you hadn't seen anything but the forest here, and Yuuka too seemed a little surprised you thought.
Having three seperate people tell you to go outside and experience the land in which you lived was a big motivator to go and do so.
Mulling everything over slowly, you rationalise that you're going to have to see the world at some point, and Meiling is too nice a person to outright turn down.
There are a few considerations you need to, well, consider, but there doesn't appear to be any overriding reason why you can't take a day out in the next week or so to visit someone, especially Meiling and Sakuya.
It's not like you know anyone else all that well really, you never did find out what Yuuka did all day, and from her comments it seems that Yukari isn't the most active of... Youkai.
Come to think of it, you're talking with a youkai right now. In the human Village. Where Youkai aren't supposed to be.
Meiling is as friendly as anyone you have ever met, but she's still a youkai.
Is this a convoluted plot to bait a human onto a youkai's dinner of their own free will?
You swallow.

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