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>> No.43781500 [View]
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Board game night with good girl Seiran!
Seeing her pouty face whenever you manage to make a play against her or got lucky!
All the while snacking on some delightfully tasty dangos preparing by this lovely bun!
No snack goes without a drink, so you'll have prepared some tea for the two of you!
Can't have coffee because it'd make the two of you a little too energetic for such a relaxing way to spend the end of the day...
Maybe if Seiran's comfortable enough with it and can feel like she can fit in, there'll be guests next time for this board game night!
Ease her up by inviting familiar faces such as Ringo! So long as your eyes don't hover to Ringo too much, i'm sure Seiran will be happy to have someone else to play with!
It might take a little bit of goodwill and not as much banter as it would with the boys, as Seiran doesn't quite have the personality to handle these kind of jokes, but the fun you'd experience during this night would be just as good!
And if you somehow push her a little bit too much, you can always make yourself useful by serving a bit of tea, offering her some dangos, or trying to apologize. Seiran is far from resentful, her mood can swing from one extreme to the other! Perhaps she'll even get a little cuddly with you!
Seiran's been trying her best to fit in Gensokyo, although it hasn't gone the best, she's learned a lot through the likes of Bunbunmaru, hyperbolic and scandalous as it may be. She's moreso into all these weird horoscope predictions. She really believes in them. You dont want to be a moodkiller, so you play along and ask her what it says for you, keeps the conversation going.
Something that's a little more worrying is how she reacts to all the other news regarding incidents or crime reports and whatnot. She's been feeling kind of scared as of late, which is kind of odd for a former trained military, but you've been told that rabbits are rather cowardly in nature, so I guess it makes sense. It's your job, as well as Ringo's, to knock some sense into her, and it also happens to be the perfect opportunity to get some cuddling going, makes her feel safer, and you get to feel that sweet, sweet skin of hers on you. There's so much fancy stuff in Gensokyo, Seiran's gotten into taking care of herself a lot more, beyond fitness. Speaking of which, hasnt she gotten just a hint chubbier? I guess that's good, the first time you met at her store, the figure her dress loosely portrayed seemed excessively toned and skinny. She's far from a Letty, and with how thoughtful she is of those things, there's no way she's ever letting such a slip up happen. But still, feels nice feeling more than bones when you're up for the task of being that loving blue bun's teddy bear.

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