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>> No.42982886 [View]
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On this night, she caught him completely unprepared and brought him to the ground with a running embrace. Anon laughed and told her to be more careful but this lying position seemed to awaken something in her. Rumia felt herself getting hot and she felt compelled to bring her mouth closer to Anon's neck. He felt a sudden jolt of fear, thinking that she had finally snapped and was going to eat him. He tried pushing her off and telling her to stop but his arms were quickly restrained by a pair of shadowy tendrils conjured by Rumia. With his arms held down, there was nothing he could do but tightly shut his eyes as he felt her teeth scrape against his neck. This was it. The neighbor's boss was right, he should have been more careful.

Anon waited for the pain that followed a brutal mauling from a youkai but Rumia seemed content with simply nibbling at his neck. She was gentle and never came close to breaking the skin. Her nipping was periodically punctuated by a lick or a kiss but she never outright bit. Now that the feeling of immediate danger had passed, Anon asked her what she was doing. Rumia did not answer. All she seemed interested in doing at the moment was tasting him. He still felt uncomfortable with what she was doing but he had a feeling that he should not stop her or she may actually bite a chunk out of him. Anon's discomfort was only compounded when he noticed that Rumia was starting to pant. He could feel her warm breath against his neck as she began rubbing the lower half of her body against his.

Rumia sat up on top of Anon and loosened the collar of her shirt as she commented on how hot she felt. He could now see how red her face had gotten and the bothered expression on her face implied that she was not going to get off of him just yet. She was now sitting directly on top of his crotch and he hoped that she would not notice that he was aroused. Unfortunately for him, there was no way that she would not, given her current state. Rumia's mouth spread into a grin that revealed her monstrous teeth. She let out a perverse giggle as she began grinding her crotch against his.
Anon asked Rumia to stop but with that grin still on her face, she refused. Rumia to clarify her intent to him. She told him all about how much she loved him and how his companionship meant everything to her. Rumia also voiced her frustration over Anon seemingly brushing aside her feelings towards him. In hindsght this made complete sense and Anon felt a bit embarrassed for having misunderstood Rumia's intent so completely. This was why she was so upset when she happened to see Anon walking with that young lady a while back. Rumia was afraid that he saw something in that woman that he didn't see in her and that this woman would get the kind of attention that she so desperately wanted from Anon.

He was not even aware that Rumia knew about this woman until the day when he expressed his worry about her whereabouts to her. Rumia explained that she did not want to lose everything to this random woman so she was left with no other choice. Anon's blood ran cold. He knew exactly where she was going with this but he still did not want to believe. Rumia may currently be acting out but she is still a good girl at heart, right? Rumia leaned down to look him him face to face. With a diabolical smile, she revealed to him what he already knew deep inside. She was the one that ate his neighbor.

Rumia expressed her joy at how things turned out. Anon finally understood how she really felt about him and now he can love her back appropriately. She conjured a dome of darkness to cover the two of them and in that darkness, Rumia had her way and showed Anon how to love her back, just in case he misunderstood something about her intent again.

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