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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.42331356 [View]
File: 135 KB, 850x1204, Reimu marisa drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never had tequila, rum, whiskey, bourbon, or gin?
As far as wine goes you have such a large variety I won't even try to list them here.
Beers, ales, malts, etc can all be rather rich and flavorful.
Have you literally never drank anything beyond bottom shelf stuff?

>> No.41701588 [View]
File: 135 KB, 850x1204, Reimu marisa drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boxes were heavy and bring things back into storage was tedious but you didn't mind the effort, the cool of early winter was more the enough to dissipate the fatigue and the smile of appreciation you got from your wife was well worth it. A festival had just passed, spurred on slightly by the kappa but Reimu was all aboard and for the last two weeks had been excitedly scheming about how she was going to do this or that to drum up support for the shrine before the worst parts of winter. You didn't have too many ideas but you listened earnestly and kept the excited shrine maiden and kappa's ideas down to earth, shooting down a resurrection of "Hakurei land" whatever that was. You found yourself finished after a few hours and as you dragged yourself back to the residence it was Reimu that was there to greet you with some warm tea, her job of cleaning the grounds done first but you didn't mind since you insisted that you do the manual labor of hauling the temporary furniture decorating the festival that belonged to the shrine.
Reimu has been seeming fatigued the last few days which you thought had to do with the festival, of course so close to winter some of the youkai had been acting up to get emergency food and have been getting way to close to the village or simply raiding their food stores which all fell onto Reimu's delicate shoulders. You wished you could do more but the festival seemed to perk up her spirits and the villagers too so you simply decided to make sure she would have a comfy winter without an empty belly and with no worries. As you settled in to sip tea with Reimu she snuggled up with you under the kotatsu and you grab her around the waist to bring her even closer. It was at this point that Marisa burst in through the closed sliding doors grinning, "I hope not interrupting anything ze~" as her eyes settled onto you both her eyes looked slightly disappointed and let out a faint "tsk". Reimu caught by surprise tried putting a little space between you two but you didn't let go enjoying her cute squirming, you didn't have to turn to her to know she was blushing like a maiden as she was embraced by you. "Marisa you're here early for the banquet you know would you like some tea for now?" you mention with a welcoming smile, to that Marisa steps in closing the sliding door behind "sure if you'll have me so soon" she whimsically says as she takes a seat under the kotatsu and lets out a long sigh as you get up to procure another cup for her, "Flyings nice and all but during winter its just a pain thanks to the chill ze~". Reimu response with "You should take to walking more you know, its much more comfortable, but I don't expect any less from a muscle witch" which she delivers with a smug attitude, Marisa was grinning as she responds, "Oh I didn't know all the romance replaced your brain so that you're proud of walking everywhere with your new husband ze~". The two of them bantered on as you stepped into the kitchen, procuring an extra cup as well as some snacks for your guest, you weren't at all put off by her visiting and relished the chance to see your black haired wife chat so carefree, you remember wishing that these moments would never end.
Night fell and the usual faces gathered, it was a bit too chilly to drink outside so everyone crowded into the main shrine building where the party started in earnest, sake was poured, food eaten, and once the Prismriver sisters arrived the music flowed as well, Reimu seemed unwilling to leave your side for the most part and you felt the same but eventually the night drifted on and you both began to mingle among the party guests at your respective paces, although you were careful to avoid drinking with the Oni. By the time you made it back to your wife's company you could tell she had a few more drinks and was noticeably drunk, you settled down with her excusing yourself from further company on the pretext of feeding a slightly fussy Reimu who insisted, "I'm fwine, i'm nwat drunk at all~" and you were succeeding in stuffing her face with some grainy snacks when Marisa came by sitting with you both, she herself had a bit of blush on her face from the drink. "Ahaha, Reimu I see you're as bad at holding your drink as always, nopeeee not like me at all ze~!"she loudly and drunkenly declared , this caused Reimu to banter back about at how least she was able to snag a husband first with her "lady like charms" which Marisa replied, "Oh and when Anon-san sees how charming and lovely I am he'll come crawling to me instead ze!" she turned to you and with a sly grin on her face, "when you get tired of fussing over this drunk miko my house will always have its doors open you know~". Reimu took your arm sticking her tongue out and said, "that'll neeeever happen, cause Anon is mine forever!" you couldn't help but laugh at her cute face and kissed her, "of course and you'll never be able to get rid of me" you couldn't then and you couldn't now ever dream of leaving her!

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