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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.45054750 [View]
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>there is no such thing as the anti-japan propaganda,
Let's ignore the multiple cases per board where the moderation has been in cahoots with the propaganda.
Let's also ignore that exact same moderation allows unironic shitposters to run rampant with twitter screencap threads and similar bait.
Let's ignore even in this very board the /vt/umor cancer was allowed to flood everything with zero resistance whatsoever.
Let's ignore people have gotten banned off /a/ for calling out the KRshills, which you can see from seeing the deleted posts in isek/a/i threads in the achives.
Let's ignore dictionary databases are being actively sabotaged.
Let's ignore sites hosting JP guides are being actively hunted down now.
Let's ignore trannylators keep trying to worm their way into changing their source material and in some cases like nintendo of america they have actually succeeded.
Let's ignore the obvious where trannylations being insulted as fanfics is in turn an insult to fanfics, because actual fanfics at least try to respect and like the source material they are working with, actual translations can't even do that.

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