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>> No.22064131 [View]
File: 29 KB, 175x159, Captsdure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Elitism is the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite—a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience—are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve influence or authority greater than that of others."
How is it elitism? Everyone is capable of playing the original versions. In fact, it's easier than patching the shit out of the VN. It has nothing to do with elitism.

And no, you aren't a real fan if you don't trust the author to know what the fuck he's doing, and prefer to trust some soulless commercial company with the entire visual component of the VN. Their version doesn't necessarily look bad, but it loses something in the process and is not how the VN was intended to look. It's not just a matter of making the art look "nicer", it's a completely different visual style that doesn't quite transmit the same emotions and feels really bland and empty.

I repeat, you don't trust Ryuukishi to know how his own VN is supposed to look and you are missing out on the original art made by the author himself. You are throwing his hard work under the bus, not even attempting to give the original version a chance to prove itself superior.

Instead, you think the author is just drawing some "shitty" sprites without any passion or understanding of how they affect the reader, and therefore a "professional" art style would be better. That's not just incorrect, it's disrespectful to the author, that's why I said you are not a real fan. Because you don't even bother giving it a chance to see if you enjoy them or not during the actual story, you just dismiss them and tell people to jump straight to the remake, knowing their experience will be worse.

Let's not even get into the backgrounds. Regardless of how "easy" it is to filter some photographs, it's a fact that they give the VN a surreal, wonderful, mysterious but also realistic look that is simply missing in the console versions. But no, according to you Ryuukishi is a fool who is simply too incompetent to draw backgrounds, so he uses photographs without any artistic reason behind it. That's simply not the case. They play a major role in the atmosphere of his works, so taking them away just cheapens the whole thing. It also makes the recyled backgrounds more obvious (they were supposed t be blurry and hard to make out details so it wasn't as immediately obvious that the phone in Rosa's home is the same as the phone in the mansion) and the perspectives look strange as fuck because the characters look like they belong in that world and the perspectives are janky as shit. Originally, there was a clear separation between the cartoony sprites and the realistic, bizarre-looking backgrounds, so the perspectives weren't an issue and didn't make scenes look silly.

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