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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.46790228 [View]
File: 464 KB, 1862x2048, Suzu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't expecting Suzu's family to appear; though it works well with something I have planned for the Suzu.
Good to hear it!
> Let's just hope these children aren't too traumatized by the end of this...
They only saw an adult they looked up to get shot, they should be fine.

>she sees events so humanely in what is otherwise a massive and unrelenting mess~
That's one of the reasons I like writing her. She has the most mundane life out of all the cast, but it gives her a perspective on events that others might not have.

>> No.46545320 [View]
File: 464 KB, 1862x2048, Suzu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place was a mess! Filing cabinets, shelves , and tables were crammed into this place with no rhythm or reason, as if they had simply moved them over here and left them where they stood, with no attempt at organization or how someone would get by. The door had even hit a shelf as I opened it. This place was even more cramped then the storage room of the Suzunaan, which was quite the accomplishment. I entered and tried to find my way around the room when my eyes fell on the bookshelf in front of me. Someone like me is easy to distract in that way. But instead of interest, I found more horror. There were a few financial ledgers, that was to be expected in a place like this. But they weren’t even in order. It was almost like they had been pulled out and out back in without anyone bothering to arrange them. But it got worse form there. The rest of the shelf was crammed with miscellaneous books. Manuals on plumbing and heating, an employee handbook, reports on the market out on the street, even some of the dirty books being sold outside were all shoved here without a care. Looking to the other shelves, I saw this was the case for all of them. Disorganized, stuffed to the brim. Even a whorehouse should be run better then this. Walking by a table, I did my best to ignore a book being used as a coaster for a coffee mug. Yukari might be evil, but there was no excuse for this. Who was reasonable for this?

I found my answer tucked away behind a similarly messy desk. A Crow Tengu who looked just like the room and her desk looked up at me, a brief glare of annoyance appearing on her face. “What do you want?” she groaned out.

“I’m Kosuzu, the bookseller. I’m here to drop off a receipt for your records, but this place is the bigger issue. Is it always like this?” My librarian’s heart couldn’t help but focus on the bigger issue here.

She sighs “I know, but everything keeps piling up. Then people come in and move things around without asking, and Takane complains to me to fix it even if she’s been busy running around the village instead of working lately. I swear, they got the wrong tengu for this job, but those long-noses never come off the mountain”

“I could help you” I say, without really knowing why.

“But why?” she says looking doubtful

“You’re busy, right? I arrange books like this for a living. You do your work, I’ll fix this place up, and your job will be easier and my receipts won’t get lost. Win Win” Call it an obsession or a disorder, but I knew I couldn’t leave this place without doing something about it.

Her face showed the battle raging without her. There was the desire to toe the line and not lose her job, but also the desire to make her job easier. “I suppose you could help out. I’ll just be here doing some work” It seems like the latter won out after all.

I took a few laps around the room judging what I had to work with. Messy, for sure. But doable. So I began the librarian's dance. The dance is simple, but It can get complicated if you let it. Organize the books you have in the best way you can but be conscious of the shelf space you have. You always got to plan ahead and make changes, otherwise you risk disorganization. I swept over the room, gathering up all the ledgers. Shifting off some books from a shelf made space for them. Now for the other pieces of the puzzle. Ah, the security reports could go right next to the ledger, that left some more space for the future. If I gathered up all the books that didn’t belong here that could leave more free space. I crossed by the tengu’s desk again, carrying a stack of books when I felt the familiar tingle of youma energy.

Wait, what the fuck was I doing? I came here to steal intelligence and I’m cleaning up after them. Even if it was a muhe mess in the first place, there’s no excuse for helping the energy. Feeling out the waves, I could tell there were coming from a cabinet behind her desk. It was locked tight. There was no target. After I put away the books in my hands, I came back around to her

“What’s in there?” I asked as I pointed out the cabinet.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s locked for a reason” she said.

“Are you sure? If anything important got misplaced, it would be trouble” I said, trying to act naturally.

“Damn, I saw that hermit poking around there days ago. If she- ” She opened a drawer and grabbed a key before she spun around and opened the cabinet up. The files within looked mundane, but the youma energy told another story. One of them let it off in heavy waves. That was my target.

“I think something might be missing, but I’m not sure. and just when my break is coming up” She mutters out.

I got a wicked idea. “I’ll fix this place up, and you take your break. When you come back, it’ll be easier to find things you can find it easy.” I tried not to show a devious grin.

“Really? Thanks!” She locked it and tossed the key back in the drawer. I waited until she left to dive for the drawer.

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