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>> No.7999426 [View]
File: 20 KB, 243x317, Female_Hirsutism_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Female Hirsutism
>Caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
>Female hirsutism must be treated by medical therapy to decrease androgen activity in the follicle that was caused by diseases of androgen excess or by taking exogenous medications.
>What is female hirsutism?
>When women grow excessive terminal hair on body areas where most men have hair, but women normally don't.
>What causes this?
>It is caused by male hormones, also known as androgens or testosterone.
>Why does it happen?
>It happens when a woman has a hormonal imbalance.
>When does this happen?
>During puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
>Actually any time during a woman's life when there may be an increase in androgens.
>It is called "adult male sexual pattern" hair growth.
>The graphic left indicates the target areas of a woman's body for androgen-stimulated hair growth.
>The symptoms can be mild to severe, all depending on how highly elevated male hormone levels are.
>When it is associated with recession of the hairline, deepening of the voice and loss of the female body shape, it is called virilism.

>In simple language this means the woman is beginning to resemble (look like) a man.
>Because it is such a devastating condition to suffer from, a sufferer should preferably go for tests and a thorough medical examination.

The more you know.

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