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Uraidol question here /jp/. What can you tell me about the KABUKIMONO'DOGs production company?
I started following Babuga's youtube about a year ago, and then a couple singles ago, I followed one of their composers' twitter, who was very friendly, and led me to gradually follow the whole group, and I'm enjoying it.
However, I pretty much left the idol fandom a few years ago, after a decade of heavy AKBfaggotry, due to my oshimen always having scandals. It's like I always picked the ones that would scandal between 6 months and 2 years later.
And I was just backing everything related to Babuga from twitter now, when I started looking into some of the group's past members, and the last one who left, Nazuna (white and blue swimsuit in the GO NUTS MV), appears to just have left without notice so she was graduated about a year ago, which is normal I guess, but if I check her twitter, @babuga_naduna, which is now protected with 0 followers and following 45, there's some dude in the pfp, which would normally lead me to believe it's all management retaliation for scandaling. But if I look for her in 5ch matomes, I can't find anything relating to such an incident. Just a bunch of people talking about her termination seeming arbitrary.
And there's also the amount of idol groups managed by KABUKIMONO'DOGs. At least 8 currently, plus 4 groups comprised of KKS. In their talent page, there's 62 girls, so I hesitate about calling them a black company. Sure, I know makura eigyou is supposedly rampant in the uraidol scene, but the one group I'm following, though they do have some of their members heavily lean on gravure, do appear innocent and fulfilled enough in SSN.

tl;dr: I'm an insecure faggot who is was very superficially following an uraidol group called Babuga, after being burned for a decade by AKB, but I've inadvertently been gradually getting more and more into them. I've noted very few but existing patterns I don't like about their management, KABUKIMON'DOGs, so I'm asking if you know anything about them that should dissuade me from getting more into Babuga, or if I'm just paranoid, they're cool, and there's other groups they manage and I should follow, I guess.

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