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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.34283781 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, -o-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report dick status, dozo

>> No.34265080 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1593031285461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34217273 [View]
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>> No.34037151 [View]
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>> No.33454830 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1593014962395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they all have to stream at the same time, I can't concentrate on multiple streams...

>> No.33345640 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1608166411071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone has this picture of senchou but in negative filter (she used it as a thumbnail after yt fucked with her once again) please post I need it

>> No.33339092 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gdi now senchou will probably have to deal with ppl asking about this shit in the chat
and she only just recovered from her own depresso episode too...

>> No.33304665 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, ma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Shion turned 18 2 months before the incident while Marine is 28
>Marine said the two were talking about sex on discord before backtracking and saying it was just a joke
>This was roughly around the time Shion turned 18
>Shortly before the sleepover incident
>Marine called Shion while drunk and talked about sucking her nipples
>Shion was at first shocked and said:" Wait, you were serious"
>She then played along, pressured by the stream to maintain character
>After all she's been yuribaiting with several other holos in the past and it never went anywhere, it's just what idols do to attract attention
>Shion had just moved out of her parent house into her apartement and Marine wasted no time
>It's possible that Shion and Marine had been drinking, and that's the reason they overslept
>However, they can't admit that because the legal drinking age in Japan is 20
>If Shion had been drinking then Marine was the one who got her drunk, so drunk she has trouble remembering things
>Once they started their scheduled morning stream 4 hours late, Marine almost immediately brought up the topic of what happened last night in from of tens of thousand of people
>Shion insisted she doesn't say anything and that she doesn't remember
>Throughought the stream Marine again brought up the question, acussing Shion of playing dumb, Shion at first asked whether she did or said somehitng bad to her
>Despite Shion's wishes, Marine drew a manga detailing the event and made a stream to discuss it
>In her manga Marine is portrayed as a victim, Shion is the one making moves on her
>This again brought a crowd of tens of thousand of people
>Shion appeared in chat, then tweeted, and finally appeared on stream through a discord call to say that Marine is making things up
>During their talk Marine said Shion must have felt up Marine because of what she's been reading
>After a short pause Shion responds that she does remember briefly looking at something Marine recomended to her
>Because of Marine's statement that Shion was inspired by this, it's possible that Marine has been recommending or even brought over porn for Shion on top of getting her drunk
>After leaving Marine's stream Shion cancelled her scheduled Fall Guys stream and did a zatsudan instead
>She dedicated the early portion of it to talk about the incident
>She still insisted that she doesn't remember and talked about how she feels bad
>She asked her audience whether she should apologize and that she feels like she a villain no matter what she does
>Plenty of comments online oconcluded that Shion and Marine missed their shot, unaware of the circumstances

So to summarise.
Marine pursued Shion and used streaming as an excuse to talk her into sexual acts.
Went over to her place shortly after she turned 18 and moved out of her parents house
Possibly exposed her to porn and got her blackout drunk
Brought matters into public attention despite Shion's insistance not to do so
Portrayed herself as the victim and Shion as the perpetrator
Therefore making people sympatise with her putting pressure onto Shion
And ended up making the 18 year old feel guilty, possibly for not having sex with her groomer

>> No.33296338 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, ma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco and Suisei playing Kanata's butt as a drum
>Suisei eggs Coco on to pull down Kanata's pants for better spanking as a joke
>Coco nervously begins to pull them down as Kanata just laughs
>gets a peek at the angel's pristine white butt and the prize between those cheeks
>Suisei starts slapping it again and laughing as Coco just stares at Kanata's holes being exposed by the slapping until Suisei snaps her out of it "Coco comon! join in!" her trembling hands begin slapping Kanata's other butt cheek but she quickly finds herself stretching it open and massaging it rather than slapping
>"Coco...what are you doing?" Suisei asked as the dragon looked to be in a trance slowly moving her hand towards Kanata's exposed pussy imagining the things she'd do to it if she could just get the girl alone for a little while
>"oi! snap out of it!" Suisei barked as Coco finally got a grip on herself and realized what she was doing "oh uhh...sorry I just...I'll be right back!"
>Coco quickly covered her crotch area with her hands and ran to the bathroom shutting the door and locking it once she was inside
>she moved her hands to find her member was already at full mast and throbbing with a small wet patch forming "dammit not now...I thought I'd be fine today..."
>Coco realized what she had to do as she made her way to the toilet and pulled down her pants "oh Kanata...look what you do to me...I'm already so hard..." her hands began to stroke her cock as thoughts of Kanata and Suisei filled her head and inadvertently made her hands move faster "I bet it would have slid right in too...I wonder what Suichan would think...I bet she'd enjoy watching me pound her friend! she'd love to watch me pump a load in that tight little butt! I bet she'd want some too, she'd want me to defile the pride of Hololive!"
>just then as if a thousand needles shot through her body all at once a stream of milky white liquid pushed forth from her cock and all over the toilet seat as Coco covered her mouth to prevent her moans from being heard by the other two
>when it finally stopped Coco realized what she had done, and also realized there was no toilet paper as they hadn't properly moved in yet. She quickly grew overwhelmed until a vision popped into her head "clean up your mess Coco! we all have to sit on that toilet and would rather not be forced to smell your stinking cum!"
>suddenly just as quickly as it was going down her cock jumped right back up as Coco fell to her knees and began licking up the murky white fluid off the toilet seat until it happened "Coco? are you in there? I just wanted to make sure you're ok, you've been in there a while..." Suisei said worriedly
>Coco got a grip on herself and lost her erection as she reassured Suichan she was alright and headed out now "that was close...I cant keep doing this or I may not be able to control my urges next time..."
>Coco stepped out and noticed the other two had calmed down. Kanata had pulled up her pants and was sitting on the bed while Suisei was sitting in the computer chair browsing her phone "oh there you are, we kind of turned off the stream...weren't sure if you were all right or not, we heard weird moaning coming from the bathroom and grew concerned"
>Coco lied and reassured them she was fine then told them she was just having some stomach pains and was going to bed
>she retired to her room and quickly grabbed her phone then hid under the bed so as not to be heard by her roommates
>"hey its Coco...I'm sorry to call you so late...yeah it happened again, I was just in a daze for a while and...well yeah I kind of made a mess on the toilet seat...no I, um, cleaned it off...could I maybe come over tomorrow? you really drained me last time I was...after your stream? I will...thank you, Choco-Sensei"
>Coco got off the phone, breathed a sigh of relief then opened her pants and stared at her crotch "you're more trouble than you're worth you know that? maybe we should finish what we started in the bathroom?" almost on cue her cock began to rise as Coco smiled knowing what tomorrow would have in store

>> No.33284565 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1611883347283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did it take posters away from here?
I wish.

>> No.33227942 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a few seconds in and marine can't keep up

>> No.33214033 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1593908601079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32713917 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1585856191856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours
wtf do I do now...

>> No.32550336 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1609343338148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Senchou mengen was capeshit watchalong
Fuck, for some reason I thought I was getting a zatsudan. Should have actually read the title.

>> No.31834114 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marine right now

>> No.31786929 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31553945 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1609343338148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of regret it. Browsed 4chan all the way from 2004 to 2014 and then left because it had simply become too shit and unoriginal and infested with a generation I had little to nothing in common with, basically average posters became the kind anons used to make fun of before. Then I got into hololive a year ago and figured /jp/ was a better place to discuss it than anything else I know about but now I again feel like I'm on the verge of leaving the site because the same trend that made me leave earlier has now skyrocketed on this board as well.

Cutting yourself off from 4chan is great so long as you have a better group of people you can discuss your hobbies with but I don't have that kind of group for hololive, I did have it for my previous hobbies.

>> No.31488462 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i marry every ichimin, my body won't be able to handle it

>> No.31486568 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>akasa ai is forced to redraw senchou's dakimakura reverse side because it was deemed too lewd by management

>> No.31443612 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31142383 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Azumanga Daioh was 18+ years ago

>> No.30509632 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1599340734078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29897259 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, 1603556571332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish Marine actually sang some choirs for real

>> No.29760380 [View]
File: 68 KB, 191x193, ma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco and Suisei playing Kanata's butt as a drum
>Suisei eggs Coco on to pull down Kanata's pants for better spanking as a joke
>Coco nervously begins to pull them down as Kanata just laughs
>gets a peek at the angel's pristine white butt and the prize between those cheeks
>Suisei starts slapping it again and laughing as Coco just stares at Kanata's holes being exposed by the slapping until Suisei snaps her out of it "Coco comon! join in!" her trembling hands begin slapping Kanata's other butt cheek but she quickly finds herself stretching it open and massaging it rather than slapping
>"Coco...what are you doing?" Suisei asked as the dragon looked to be in a trance slowly moving her hand towards Kanata's exposed pussy imagining the things she'd do to it if she could just get the girl alone for a little while
>"oi! snap out of it!" Suisei barked as Coco finally got a grip on herself and realized what she was doing "oh uhh...sorry I just...I'll be right back!"
>Coco quickly covered her crotch area with her hands and ran to the bathroom shutting the door and locking it once she was inside
>she moved her hands to find her member was already at full mast and throbbing with a small wet patch forming "dammit not now...I thought I'd be fine today..."
>Coco realized what she had to do as she made her way to the toilet and pulled down her pants "oh Kanata...look what you do to me...I'm already so hard..." her hands began to stroke her cock as thoughts of Kanata and Suisei filled her head and inadvertently made her hands move faster "I bet it would have slid right in too...I wonder what Suichan would think...I bet she'd enjoy watching me pound her friend! she'd love to watch me pump a load in that tight little butt! I bet she'd want some too, she'd want me to defile the pride of Hololive!"
>just then as if a thousand needles shot through her body all at once a stream of milky white liquid pushed forth from her cock and all over the toilet seat as Coco covered her mouth to prevent her moans from being heard by the other two
>when it finally stopped Coco realized what she had done, and also realized there was no toilet paper as they hadn't properly moved in yet. She quickly grew overwhelmed until a vision popped into her head "clean up your mess Coco! we all have to sit on that toilet and would rather not be forced to smell your stinking cum!"
>suddenly just as quickly as it was going down her cock jumped right back up as Coco fell to her knees and began licking up the murky white fluid off the toilet seat until it happened "Coco? are you in there? I just wanted to make sure you're ok, you've been in there a while..." Suisei said worriedly
>Coco got a grip on herself and lost her erection as she reassured Suichan she was alright and headed out now "that was close...I cant keep doing this or I may not be able to control my urges next time..."
>Coco stepped out and noticed the other two had calmed down. Kanata had pulled up her pants and was sitting on the bed while Suisei was sitting in the computer chair browsing her phone "oh there you are, we kind of turned off the stream...weren't sure if you were all right or not, we heard weird moaning coming from the bathroom and grew concerned"
>Coco lied and reassured them she was fine then told them she was just having some stomach pains and was going to bed
>she retired to her room and quickly grabbed her phone then hid under the bed so as not to be heard by her roommates
>"hey its Coco...I'm sorry to call you so late...yeah it happened again, I was just in a daze for a while and...well yeah I kind of made a mess on the toilet seat...no I, um, cleaned it off...could I maybe come over tomorrow? you really drained me last time I was...after your stream? I will...thank you, Choco-Sensei"
>Coco got off the phone, breathed a sigh of relief then opened her pants and stared at her crotch "you're more trouble than you're worth you know that? maybe we should finish what we started in the bathroom?" almost on cue her cock began to rise as Coco smiled knowing what tomorrow would have in store

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