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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.4289774 [View]
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>> No.2942982 [View]
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When will ZUN make a Christian Touhou? I want to see Reimu face off against an Arch Bishop.

>> No.2622473 [View]
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>> No.2605048 [View]
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You mean religion thread? It is Sunday.
Have you attended Church today, /jp/?

>> No.2373465 [View]
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Do most of you make a girl character whenever you play MMO's or just rpgs with character creations?

>> No.2294352 [DELETED]  [View]
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How did you first get into loli /jp/?

At first I was staunchly against it and believed all pedos should be shot, but before long I became one of them. I guess it started a long time ago, when I refused to fap to animu girls less that 16 years of age even though I had a clear attraction to them. Then the Higurashi anime came around and I saw Satoko. Oh god, Satoko was HOT. Then one day I was on /h/ and saw some loli Nanoha doujins and for one reason or another decided to give them a shot. I loved them, some of the best faps I ever had.

>> No.2279566 [DELETED]  [View]
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In the past, I worked like someone that fix PC at home of clients that call me by telefone ( nowadays I quit this job because it is so dangerous )

For some unknow reason, kids love me. Someday, I was woking several days at a house of a client fixing his PC. Everydays I was forced to go to that home. in that home was a VERY CUTE little girl of just 8 years. This girl liked me SO MUCH that she be all the time kissing me in the cheek , hugging me and sitting in my lap and her parents NOT CARE about it, they agree with this ( their have a high trust towards me )

Somedays, I was sit in the chair in front of the PC trying to recover the data of the damaged HD and the girl run at me, sat at my lap and begin to hug me and kissing me in the cheek like always...

automatically I begin to touch and to caress her ass, for 01 secounds, for below of her clothes. When I noticed that I was doing, I jumped from the chair ! This just happended for 01 second, but, I become SO DISTURBED that I say to her NEVER to to this kind of thing again and I never again returned to that house. And I quit that job and I never again worked at house of clients.

This happened, maybe, 4 or 5 years ago,I not remember very well, and since than I never touched other kid and I never had any other contact with any kind of LOLI related thing. I deleted all my LOLI data and destroyed all my DVDs backups with this kind of content.

The things that I wrote is not a lie. unfortunately is true

>> No.2259944 [View]
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Religion thread!

>> No.2255986 [DELETED]  [View]
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