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>> No.9815623 [View]
File: 224 KB, 1200x998, cloud-example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As >>9815368 says 3d apps might help in seeing how light plays. You just have to make sure it is set up properly. Most 3d aps or the default materials and renderers FAKE light and it does not bounce at all. Be aware of this.

BUT >>9815368 has a point, look at light and how it plays on things. What colors bounce light and how that surfaces color affects that light etc.

Texturing is can be many issues or approached in many ways. Best bet is to look at other pieces of art and attempt to mimic it. Looking at real objects or images of those objects and painting them would work too. There is one thing I have found smaller the image the harder it is digitally to represent that texture. I always work at least 2X the intended size. This helps eliminate that smoothed out look or fuzzy look. Also experiment with brushes and the settings. Right now it looks like the whole bg was done with SAI watercolor brush. All soft, with a bit of texture and detail showing up.

ATM your bg looks like a underpainting. Try going in and working the objects a bit more, get some definition into the trees and edges in the headstones. Like how you have done with the mushrooms.

Clouds I use a really rough brush, in sai it is I think the bleed brush in the "brush" I will use the watercolour brush to smooth the base under-painting for the clouds but the final painting is the brush only. Night scenes you might want to paint a blur layer and set that to screen or lumi/colordodge and fiddle to create specular bloom.

Attached image is done in Paint Tool SAI with no sfx layers.

I am sure someone with better painting skills can go into more detail.

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