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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.44728957 [View]
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>Live a little
>spicy discussion
>including disruption
>he thinks "living a little" and having a "spicy discussion" is saying nigger and talking about off-topic bullshit
i understand if you are bellow 18 and thinks saying nigger is edgy and daring and hardcore wow look at me mom. but most people here are above 18 and grew out of the whole edgy internet bad boy "i love disruption" thing

anyway, the problem with those "spicy discussionss" its that they ALWAYS degrade the overall state and quality of the general and the board, they invite the lowest quality discussion where dumb retards ALWAYS default to dumb polposting. just look at /tv/ and /fit/ where movies and fitness is the last thing they actually talk about [even /ck/ is ruined ffs]. guess why that happened?
even tho i don't agree with the mods of this board, they are doing a decent job of keeping the poltards away, and the users of this general also ignore most of them, they go away because they get bored if they don't talk about blacks and wamen-society every 2 posts

investigate why you need so much to have those "spicy discussion" in an off-topic general/board. i mean, places like /pol/ already exist for that, right? so why go to /ck/ or /jp/ for that?

i'm saying all this because i feel a glimpse of genuine love for JAV inside of you, so maybe there is hope? of course i'm not asking you to be extremely polite and follow all the rules, but only to be aware that certain off-topics topics attract the lowest commom denominator from 4chan, and we have something kinda special going on here. it's not much, but it's something.

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